Protein Skimmer Problems


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Hi,I was just wondering if anyone could tell me what is wrong with my skimmer.I have thoroughly cleaned it out and replaced the plumbing tubes to ensure a tight fit. The problem That I am having is that the water coming out of the exit tube on the skimmer into my bottom sump tank is loaded with Tiny little bubbles as in the chamber of the skimmer.The only way to get them to stop is to adjust the air valve so there is no air or bubbles in the chamber of the skimmer.I believe that you want the bubble action in the skimmer correct? The end result anyway is millions of tiny bubbles being pumped into my upper tank which makes it look cloudy, besides my corals not liking all that much.PLEASE HELP!!!
What kind of skimmer? Can you describe how you have it plumbed and setup.
Leave it alone, once the skimmer is broken in, the micro bubble will stop escaping the skimmer. It may take anywhere between a few hours to weeks... This is normal on new skimmers and after you clean the skimmer.
The Skimmer is from a company called aquatic life systems. My Skimmer is not new.I have had it in my reef now for about 3 years.It just started doing this the other day after I had it out of the tank and cleaned it up. I have the skimmer in a 20 gallon sump tank in the cabinet. The skimmer is a tower type skimmer which pumps the water in from the bottom with a little pump.Attached to the back of the pump is a small airline which runs up to the top of the tower and has an air valve adjustment on the end of it.You turn the air valve to create more or less bubbles in the chamber of the skimmer.At the top of the tower is a removable cup which traps all your waste. I have cleaned this many times before and have never had this happen.Even when it was new. Thanks
If this is the first time that you've cleaned out the inside of the skimmer, it might take a day or 2 for the skimmer to start "acting normally". It's just as if it were new. A skimmer needs time to "break in".
I would take the wait and see approach as others have suggested. If possible, throw a filter sock around the output for a few days while the problem hopefully corrects itself. The sock should help difuse the bubbles.

If it doesn't go away in a few days, check for damage. A crack could easily be allowing bubbles to enter the return.
A filter sock on the exit plumbing of the skimmer or maybe try and force the water in the sump to go thru a sponge of some type =====> Either will work as a temporary fix and wait to see if the skimmer starts acting normally again. I am not familiar with this skimmer type either. Could you post some pictures? Is the pump injecting air into the water column inside the skimmer body somehow turned and pointing to the bottom and exit of the skimmer? Maybe it got turned when you cleaned it and it is now injecting air bubbles at or near the exit of the skimmer... thus allowing the microbubbles to escape? Hopefully we can help you rid your tank of the dreaded microbubbles. :) :)
Thanks for all the info.It has cleared up a lot from what it was.Hopefully it goes back to normal!