PSA: You can now run AquaIllumination pumps and lights on Mobious


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Hey guys.
So I read on another forum recently that it is actually now possible to run Nero pumps and AI lights on the Mobious app. I just reached out to Ecotech through the help chat on Mobious and they activated it for me. It literally took just a few seconds. They basically just have to "turn it on." I am now running both my MP10 and my Nero 3 on the same app. Both can be set to feed mode at the same time and there's no more need for two seperate apps anymore. I'm still trying to figure out if it's possible to slave one to the other but either way, it's really cool that I can delete the MyAI app. The person who made the initial post I read said they were doing the same with their AI lights so apparently all of or at least most AI products can be switched over.

It only works with Ecotech and AI products though because they are owned by the same company. I hope that helps some folks out because I've been waiting for this since I bought my nero 3.