Public apology


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I feel the need to apologize for using some of the local club members (Linda Lee) in a discussion I was having with Race Foster on another board.

Race and I have been teasing each other about industry issues for a few years and I have even gone so far as to dressed up as a U.S. Fish and Wild life officer paying a surprise visit (while I was in Los Angeles) to their warehouse in California, just to tease his warehouse staff.
I may have crossed the line though last week , by pointing out that a local club group buy from LA ...didnt turn out for the best.

I was trying to point out that the 14 day no fault guarantee might cause customers to be a bit more lackadaisical in choosing the most expedient shipping and proper /prompt acclimation.

Not that hobbyists are making a conscientiousness decision to harm the fish .

man there is alot of forums for keeping corals and fish... while I'm only use this one!

I have always appreciated your passion and committment to this hobby, and I know that there was never any ill intent. I appreciate you posting this though, to clear up any mis-perceptions.

The past is the past. Now give us an 80% discount and we will call it even. :)