Public-friendly tanks


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Where are some reef aquariums set up that John Q. Public can walk in and see? I've heard that Emory Orthopedics has a nice one that one can walk in and see. I'd love to look at a few before I set mine up.

Sounds like it's time to set up the "Tour of Tanks" again! I don't know of many public tanks out there but you are welcome to stop by and check mine out anytime. 160 Cube, 40 Frag, 30 Refug, 30 Sump + all associated equip!
I highly recommend seeing Mark's tank(s). Fair will be humbled!
Will take you up on that! I'll PM you later this week once I see how my weekend is shaping up.
I'll put on for my city...

At work, Luckie Food Lounge (across from the Georgia Aquarium) we've got four giant tanks. Two reef and two fish only. One of the reef tanks is upstairs in a members only lounge, but depending on the night and how busy we are, I might be able to get someone up there.
Luckie's tanks are nice. Premier Aquatics does a good job in there. They are HUGE tanks!