Puffer with Ick


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It appears my puffer has ick, although his behavior looks fine. The lion, eel and damsel look fine. Is this normal for only one fish to show signs of Ick? I had this in my reef once but not in my predator. I treated with kick-ick last time with good results. If any one has any experience with this it woudl be appreciated.
Porcupine puffers are very prone to getting ick. If it's just a predator tank with no U.V. sterilizer, Seachem Cupramine would work. It happens often that one fish has ick. I've actually never seen a lion or an eel with ick, but have treated several puffers.

If you want something less harsh, and most people do as copper is really nasty stuff, Seachem Metronidazole mixed with Seachem Focus will work. If the puffer will eat whole krill you can just wet the krill and use the Metronidazole without the Focus. It's imortant that he eats the medicated piece right away so you don't lose the medication into the water.

A freshwater dip will also work.

ich is a iffy discussion, at best. it would be hard to imagine that only one of your fishes have it since the protozoan lives in the sandbed. watch your other fishes and see if they get white spots as well. a few white spots here and there aren't signs of an ich infection. fishes naturally lose/peel their skin causing "white spots". apparantly, this is what the cleaner wrasses/gobies/shrimps really eat.