Pulsing xenia

I'd be happy to give you a few small/medium stalks for free if you want to drive to Acworth - we are right off main street near downtown Acworth area.

We can cut a few stalks off the overflow if you want larger stalks - if you want to start smaller I have some small pieces already attached to small rock so it's easier to place where you want it to start growing.

Message me here if interested.
I'd be happy to give you a few small/medium stalks for free if you want to drive to Acworth - we are right off main street near downtown Acworth area.

We can cut a few stalks off the overflow if you want larger stalks - if you want to start smaller I have some small pieces already attached to small rock so it's easier to place where you want it to start growing.

Message me here if interested.
When would it be convenient for you.