Pumps Decision


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Monroe, GA
Trying to decide on Flow pumps for the 120 Build. Maxspect Gyre xf350CE Double package which doesn't interface with the apex or Nero's and the MXM module. any opinions out there?
Icecap 4K gyers. My experience, Jabo are junk and proved not reliable for me but some have reported they are GREAT, maxpect required too much maintenance and cleaning to work effectively and the Icecap gyers have been reliable and don’t require much maintenance or cleaning while providing great flow.
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Icecap 4K gyers. My experience, Jabo are junk and proved not reliable for me, maxpect required too much maintenance and cleaning to work effectively and the Icecap gyers have been reliable and don’t require much maintenance or cleaning while providing great flow.
Thanks for the input got to make a informed decision here soon.
Icecap 4K gyers. My experience, Jabo are junk and proved not reliable for me, maxpect required too much maintenance and cleaning to work effectively and the Icecap gyers have been reliable and don’t require much maintenance or cleaning while providing great flow.
My experience was the same regarding maxspects, but that was based on the 1st gen. I thought they addressed that issue on the newer series.

When it comes to maintenance, Ecotech all the way. Put the wetside into a small bucket with citric acid for a few hours and everything wipes clean. I have the Nero 5s on my smaller tank and while its still fairly easy to clean, no where as easy as the mp40s. Both MP40s and Nero's are on mobius, so setup is super easy and works great.

I assume Dave is talking about Jebao's crossflow (maxspect gyres ripoff), because I believe plenty of people have their SLW (Nero rip off) and regular wavemakers that work perfectly fine.

Personally, if cost wasn't a concern, I'd get some mp40s. Keep wires out of the tank, looks good aesthetically, and ease of clean.
My experience was the same regarding maxspects, but that was based on the 1st gen. I thought they addressed that issue on the newer series.

When it comes to maintenance, Ecotech all the way. Put the wetside into a small bucket with citric acid for a few hours and everything wipes clean. I have the Nero 5s on my smaller tank and while its still fairly easy to clean, no where as easy as the mp40s. Both MP40s and Nero's are on mobius, so setup is super easy and works great.

I assume Dave is talking about Jebao's crossflow (maxspect gyres ripoff), because I believe plenty of people have their SLW (Nero rip off) and regular wavemakers that work perfectly fine.

Personally, if cost wasn't a concern, I'd get some mp40s. Keep wires out of the tank, looks good aesthetically, and ease of clean.
The MP40s are attractive from that stand point but that price tag! unless I could find a couple used ones and keep the price down a little.
Haven't used the jebao gyres but the powerheads are great. Ecotech is good if your in a situation where you can just point the pump straight ahead..but I need adjustability. I have the 4k gyres which would be fine for a 120.
Haven't used the jebao gyres but the powerheads are great. Ecotech is good if your in a situation where you can just point the pump straight ahead..but I need adjustability. I have the 4k gyres which would be fine for a 120.
Yea now that you mention it I’m afraid my rock work won’t go for the non adjustable powerhead situation
Jebaos appear to be hit or miss...people either love them or hate them.
I have 2 of the SCPs and a small SLW from Jebao - all seem fine thus far and its been over a year.
The ow series powerheads have been fine for 2+ years. I clean every month or so..same as I would with any powerhead.
I have 3 jebaos. They seem to be working fairly well. 1 is the master the other 2 are in slave mode. Sow-8,sow-15. And scp-90. (Long one)