Purchasing a new light for a 120 tall


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I've had the same 150 watt MH fixture since I started keeping a reef aquarium and it's time to upgrade.
I have a 120 tall aqueon tank (48.5 x 24.5 x 25.5) and my fixture just isn't cutting it. I have a mixed reef, with SPS at the top, LPS in the middle and softies (primarily zoas) spread throughout. I realize, from spending a great deal of time reading the forums, that LED's can work if you're good at "dialing them in" and that there is an active debate on their merits with acropora heavy tanks (w/o naming names nor taking a position in that debate). I don't consider myself an expert, yet I am knowledgeable, and the heat and utility cost from MH is a consideration (it costs more to cool our new house and the tank is in our future dining room). I intend to add more sps to my tank and might explore keeping a clam in the future (but not sure on that last point!). One last detail is that I do have a basement and will set up a fish room at some point in the future and it is NOT conditioned/finished space and is mostly above ground. It consistently stays 72-76 degrees down there in the summer, we haven't experienced winter yet.

Bottom line is that I'm on the fence. If I go MH should I purchase a 250 watt or a 400 watt fixture with my current reef (and future expansion plans)? I am concerned the 400 watt might fry some softies and I don't have a chiller. I am looking at a Hamilton cebu sun MH/T5 combo light for the MH fixture.

If I go LED, there are so many choices (reefbreeder photon 48, radion xr30 g3, p47 reefled lights fixture, kessils) that it's a bit overwhelming. How many led fixtures would one need on a tank with my dimensions? If you're keeping a mixed reef with some acropora, is it worth considering LEDs given the details I've provided above? Is there a consensus on the best fixture?

Thanks in advance for your response and consideration! :up:
I can only comment on LED, as that is all I have ever ran. When it comes to LED choices, it all depends on the amount of control and coverage that you want to have.

Do you want to control wirelessly or by a controller? Or will potentiometers (knobs) to adjust light intensity and/or color temperature be sufficient?

Other than the Photon 48 or 36, you will need more than one fixture to get decent coverage. I would be hesitant to use kessils on a tank like yours, but that is just my opinion. I really do not like the color and coverage of the kessils.
Maelstrom79;980149 wrote:

If I go LED, there are so many choices (reefbreeder photon 48, radion xr30 g3, p47 reefled lights fixture, kessils) that it's a bit overwhelming. How many led fixtures would one need on a tank with my dimensions? If you're keeping a mixed reef with some acropora, is it worth considering LEDs given the details I've provided above? Is there a consensus on the best fixture?

Thanks in advance for your response and consideration! :up:

All the fixtures you named are pretty good. For the box style units, you can count on around 6"-8" of good coverage on either side after the fixture ends.

Are you running a controller now or thinking about adding one in the future? That should be helpful in narrowing down the choices a bit.
Good comments, I really appreciate it!

I am thinking of adding a controller in the future - I just have to save up for an apex.
GHbrewer, I would be ok using knobs but the ability to eventually use a controller would be preferred.
Ringo, I figured i needed at least two - thanks for clarifying the coverage on the box style lights.

I spoke with two LFS managers today and they were both fans of metal halide for SPS; however, the suggestion was made to use no more than 250 watts as 400 would be overkill. One actually suggested using pendants with an adjustable electronic ballast versus using an "all in one" fixture. The thought was it was easier to buy new bulbs and change a switch versus buying a new fixture. Anyone familiar with that approach?
Look at the Neptune (apex) website and they'll have a list of lights that are labeled as apex ready or apex +.
Any thoughts on MH pendants and what size I would get for a 120 tall? I know a lot folks have the Hamilton fixtures (although I can't tell the difference between the CEBU SE and the CABO SE fixture on BRS). I remember reading about lumen brights and another fixture from SUN systems that isn't available anymore..... Thanks!