Purple and Yellow Tang together?


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I know that Sal has them but has anyone else had luck with keeping these 2 together? It will be in a 90G.
Kept yellow and purple in (2) 180 gallon tanks. No problems at all.
Great thanks. I was also given some good advice. I am upgrading to the 90 and was told to introduce them at the same time. I currently have the yellow so I will pick up the Purple when it is time for the 90.
The Purple Tang is notorious for being pretty mean and most people get away with multiples because they have a large tank. You can also use the school mentality which is stock a lot of them so none of them become overly dominant. That said, a 90g is already a small tank for Purple Tang and in such a confined space it wouldn't be a huge suprise if a Purple Tang harrassed another zebrasoma to death. My Purple Tang in my 120g went after my hand any time it was in the shape of a zebrasoma tang. He was put into Sals huge tank with a host of other tangs and calmed right down. Had I put a yellow in with him, he would have killed it for sure. Might have taken a few months but he would have eventually bullied it to death.
The big thing I have heard is to introduce them simultaneously. Otherwise, one establishes their territory and sees others as intruders. I have a yellow tang right now holding two other fish at bay (although the emperor angel is starting to get ourt and about pretty regularly now).

Hope this helps!
Agreed with above. I would NOT put the purple in before the yellow or at the same time for that matter. Most yellow tangs are pretty docile and if the purple gets in and establishes a teritorry you are just upping the odds the two won't get along together.
Not to harp but i wouldn't want to put any tangs in a 4 foot tank..especially being only 18" wide.
Upgrade, and wait a few weeks with the yellow in it, then find a same size or smaller purple, it should be ok... just make sure you feed them good and heavy...