Purple digi and German Blue digi -finally


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Been trying to hunt down locally forever. Had to resort to Tidal Gardens for German Blue and a ebay shop for purple. Neither were common amongst online vendors and I could find anywhere that had both. Only time I've ever ordered corals online. Hopefully all goes well. Of course I had to order some other random junk I don't need or have room for like toadstool and other stuff for the coming biocube fun.

Pictures will be coming.

Anyone else have a heck of time finding what they thought would be an easy hunt?
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Thats always the case...no matter what you are looking for.

I was looking for a tomini tang for 2-3 months and finally gave up and bought a 2 spot.
And then the following week every damn LFS had 3-4 tominis in stock
Ha, Ive got a Tomini story too oddly enough.

A Tomoni and a wrasse were the two fish I wanted but knew would have to be wild caught which meant running through a QT. I stopped in at Nemos found a Yellow Wrasse, but they had no Tominis. Thinking nothing of it because Tominis are common i purchased the wrasse. Well several hours of driving around and phone calls to every LFS in the metro I overpaid and spent $90 for a tiny one from a store. I was already committed to banging out a TTM+ QT and didn't want to do it twice Good times...
Been trying to hunt down locally forever. Had to resort to Tidal Gardens for German Blue and a ebay shop for purple. Neither were common amongst online vendors and I could find anywhere that had both. Only time I've ever ordered corals online. Hopefully all goes well. Of course I had to order some other random junk I don't need or have room for like toadstool and other stuff for the coming biocube fun.

Pictures will be coming.

Anyone else have a heck of time finding what they thought would be an easy hunt?
Great to know that we'll have some more digi varieties to start trading around the ARC...
Great to know that we'll have some more digi varieties to start trading around the ARC...
I will do my best. My green took a while to get rolling but is getting there. Peach grows at a good clip gets bulldozed by the urchin constantly and can't put any size on it. Not sure if there is a market from saturation of Forest Fire, but I must've tossed 8 or 9 1" frags of peach by now.
Yessir, most of what was once common, now considered legacy coral (makes you feel old doesn’t it?), is tough to find these days. Or to find advertised at least. Last year I put out a wanted post for Leng Sy (or similar monti cap), pink Stylophora, and Pocillopora verrucora and it was crickets around here.
Ultimately I found what I was looking for (from tidal gardens actually) but I had to email various companies as no one had them listed on their websites.

When it comes down to it, aquaculture is a for profit business; you, me, and most others on this forum are solely a hobbyist even if we do make a few bucks here and there. Demand drives the market, not niche wants. There’s a reason that Ford no longer manufactures and sells a 1989 Ford ranger, regardless of how much I would love to have a brand new version of my first vehicle. It takes the same amount of effort and financial resources to grow a bland and outdated ORA stag acro as it does to grow a hype tenuis. But the tenuis brings in over ten times the profit. Companies would be a fool to not change with the market.
A nice pink stylo or poci was on my list originally but I plugged in a toxic green and green & pink. I think we have similar taste. I ultimately found similar varieties locally and went that route.

On the aquaculture front I'm all about it on a business and hobbiest level. They can do what financial sense and we can keep it all going after the fads. Nothing wrong with that model. I believe at some point wild coral harvesting will haul. I'm honestly beginning to hope it does from an environmental standpoint. Although I get our hobby isnt near the top of threats to reefs it cant be helping.

Fortunately for all of us, from humble toadstool to the homewreckers and Walt Disneys, we aren't dependent on reproduction parts to keep then running.
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On to the good stuff. They look a little rough from the transit. For the new stuff there's a pink birds nest, German blue, and purple digi along with some accidental frags of green digi, forest fire and seasons greetings I'll be offloading in the marketplace soon.


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