Purple queen anthias


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Any one have luck with these fish? I have read they can be a hard fish to keep.
I have tried them twice, without success. All they ever did was hide in the rocks, and would never eat anything. They are SUCH beautiful fish but I have also heard that they frequently don't acclimate well or eat well in captivity.
Derek_S is the resident Tuka</em> fan here. I think he has had some amount of success with them. I have heard, though, that they are very difficult to keep alive long term in aquaria.
I am a fan, but I only know of two folks on here that are really keeping them sucessfully. Rit seems to have gotten lucky if I remember correctly), and has some that are doing well with little effort, and Susati very dilligently trained his to eat.

It is a very time consuming and difficult process. I have 2 that I have been working with for coming up on three months. They are still in QT because I can not get them to eat anything but cyclopeeze, and even then it is very iffy. THey may never be competitive enough eating to add to my display.
Basically the process begins with hatching baby brine on a daily basis and getting them to eat that, if they will. Then you carefully work them up with frozen baby brine, cyclopeez, daphnia, live brine, and so on. It just takes lots of work, lots of different foods, and some luck.

Here is my thread, if you are interested.

BTW if anyone EVER sees any in a store that will eat, please let me know. If they eat mysis or brine I will pay a reward in frags.
Derek, have you called nemo's? I saw some a week back that ate liek pigs. I mean chowing down. Give them a call.