Purple Tang and others


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I have I a Purple Tang that is about 6" give or take. My GF wants a Hippo and a Yellow Tang. I hear contradictory things about mixing these guys (although most say as a rule of thumb don't do it). I don't think the Yellow and Hippo are a problem, but I am pretty sure the Purple is going to make life rough at least for a while on the other two. So the question on the table is, do I risk throwing two more tangs in the tank keeping the Purple and hope for the best or do I sell the Purple and move to the other two? We don't have any particular attachment to the Purple, but he is very healthy and fun to watch fly through the aquarium.

Last note, temperment wise he doesn't bother anything else in the tank which includes a clown pair, Royal Gramma, and Flame Hawkfish.

Ohh this is 120 gallon 6' and I might be pushing 3 tangs in this size tank as well. OK experts, let me know. This fish stuff is still voodoo to me.
LOL... If you are going to mix them, I would give them a fighting chance by mixing up your rock so the old tang will not have territory. Since I KNOW you are not going to do that, I don't know how well it would work. My vote is to ditch the purple and introduce the yellow and the Hippo at the same time. The person to ask though is Sal, he has the Tang fettish.

On a side note, I will order the yellow for you and when you are ready, we can trade! ;)
Since you have a 6' tank, you are better off than my 120 which is only 4'. I still think you might possibly be close to pushing it with 3 tangs in there, since it isn't as deep front to back as the typical 180's and 240's.

But, the purple and yellow don't grow all that big. The Hippo tang grows to about a 1' or more. The problem is putting two of the same species, Zebrasoma, into the same tank. Usually, when this is done, both fish are introduced at the same time, to reduce territory issues as much as possible. Not to mention, that the purple tang is the most aggressive of this species and is a good size at 6" and has already established the entire tank as his territory.

Now the Hippo tang is a less hardy tang and is susceptible to ich and other diseases in a stressed environment, so I'm sure it will come down with something as the purple tang beats the crap out of him.

Tough call here. I would probably get a good size yellow tang to match the size of the purple one and then re-arrange some rockwork in the tank and then add the yellow right after that, to try and get the same effect of putting both tangs in the tank at the same time.

I wouldn't try putting the Hippo tang in there.

Another thing you could do, if you aren't too terribly attached to the purple one, is sell it off, buy all three tangs at a smaller size, 3" - 4" and introduce them all at the same time.

Hope this helps some.
Darn it Brandon, quit cutting in front of me. I can't even give you rep points anyway.:tongue2:
Got you by three min there... You need to stop being so long winded in your typing!!!! :D
I was thinking of talking Stevhan into taking him for a week or so and adding him in after the other two calm down. I don't know how long it takes a fish to loose the tertitory thing and truthfully it seems the Purple pretty much owns the entire tank as he swims from one end to the other constantly.

I was hoping someone was going to give me a magic bullet, but alas I think the best thing to do is sell or trade my Purple and just get a yellow and hippo tang. He is a great fish, but my GF gets what she wants in the tank as she has been patient the last few months.

So anyone interested in a good sized pretty Purple Tang?

BTW, I have a REALLY easy way to catch that tang. Call Stevhan.
Cameron wrote:

BTW, I have a REALLY easy way to catch that tang. Call Stevhan.

Ummm.....is this a good time to say I have a new fish trap on the way?

Oh yeah and I know that Cameron wont rearrange his tank. I will....at least twice:lol2:
Too bad that I've already got a Purple Tang. I know for a fact the he wont get along with a Yellow, let alone another Purple. The fish systems should be up and running within the week. But the invert systems are ready to be filled.
I will rearrange the tank, but you will have to fix it.... twice.

I am going to want some fully cured rock to throw in there next time. I am not liking how uniform the top part is.
Although I bet most of you have already seen this...

Here's a great lil vid on catching a hippo tang:


Good luck.
Let me talk to the GF and make sure. I don't know what he is worth, but I am sure we can work something out.
It is official, the Purple Tang is on the market. First good cash offer takes him and trades for a Hippo/Yellow tang are welcome as well. I will post this into the proper forum as well.


