Purple Tang QT thoughts


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I'm wanting to get a Purple Tang from a source that has in my opinion mixed reviews but they are $90 for a 1"-2" tang. I have zero interest in introducing fish parasites/disease into the tank so options for a tang are QT a WC, or spend $350+ on a CB or QT'd one.

I am a bit to weary of the tank transfer method due to ammonia concerns even though it was originally what I had intended to do so what are the opinions on running a product like safety stop and then letting it hang out by itself in a fully cycled 13.5 fluval with plenty of macros to eat for a month of observation? I know it's a gamble but I would think any of the major stuff like velvet or ich would make an appearance in this observation process. The vendor keeps them in hypo but I doubt it is truly maintained at hypo levels at all time.
Definitely QT for observation, at least. As you pointed out, it’s just not worth the risk to not do it.

who has them for $90? I’ll take one. lol
But you actually don’t have to worry about ammonia for TTM correct? Since they are getting a 100% water change everytime you transfer. Especially for a 1-2” fish it shouldn’t be much of a concern
I can tell you the chances of ammonia with a single 1-2" Purple is nil. If I had two 10g tanks I wouldn't hesitate to QT a single fish doing TTM.

I'm QT'ing 9 fish in two tanks right now and I've seen zero side effects from Copper Power.
I can tell you the chances of ammonia with a single 1-2" Purple is nil. If I had two 10g tanks I wouldn't hesitate to QT a single fish doing TTM.

I'm QT'ing 9 fish in two tanks right now and I've seen zero side effects from Copper Power.
Well I bought 2 10g from Petco ahead of the tank start up specifically to run TTM with the two fish I knew I wouldn't be able to source CB just a bit worried.
Well I bought 2 10g from Petco ahead of the tank start up specifically to run TTM with the two fish I knew I wouldn't be able to source CB just a bit worried.
If you're going to be too worried about TTM get an API ammonia test kit and have a bottle of prime on hand.

I think it would take a week for a single tiny Purple to get the ammonia to 0.5ppm. It'll be in the other tank long before then.

I'm just doing too many fish at once to do TTM. I had 8 tangs in a 60. 4 yellow's, a tiny purple, a YBR, a PB and a Kole. The Kole couldn't handle the yellows and wouldn't eat. It got moved to a 20L. Then the smallest Yellow was getting beat up so I moved it over there too. There's also a small wrasse in the 20L.
Just add a drop or two of prime periodically if you are worried. I TTM'd 6 fish using 20 long tanks without issue.
Well, part of this journey is sharing in your failures. I came down to feed a little while ago and the YBR was dead on the bottom of the tank. I'm kind of stumped on this one. The only thing I could think of is it ended up in the net with the small yellow tang the other day. Maybe it got injured somehow.

I hate losing fish. I take it personally. And the YBR is one of my favorites.

All other fish are doing great and eating this morning.
I've only ran into ammonia issues with TTM when being too greedy/careless about how many fish to run at once. If you are concerned you could also increase the frequency of changes.
Is there an objection to copper? Tangs tolerate that well. In any event, in my experience, the real killers in QT are ammonia and oxygen deprivation. Not copper.

All 25 of my current fish went through therapeutic copper in QT (not all at once, lol). Have had no issues (unlike the velvet wipeout before I started QT-ing). Remember, the "downside" of therapeutic copper or TTM is that your fish will be so healthy you can't regularly buy new ones anymore. Still, much preferable to the ferris wheel of purchase, death, purchase, death, purchase, death...
Well, part of this journey is sharing in your failures. I came down to feed a little while ago and the YBR was dead on the bottom of the tank. I'm kind of stumped on this one. The only thing I could think of is it ended up in the net with the small yellow tang the other day. Maybe it got injured somehow.

I hate losing fish. I take it personally. And the YBR is one of my favorites.

All other fish are doing great and eating this morning.
Sorry to hear that @Adam
Well, part of this journey is sharing in your failures. I came down to feed a little while ago and the YBR was dead on the bottom of the tank. I'm kind of stumped on this one. The only thing I could think of is it ended up in the net with the small yellow tang the other day. Maybe it got injured somehow.

I hate losing fish. I take it personally. And the YBR is one of my favorites.

All other fish are doing great and eating this morning.
I'm sorry to hear. On another note I spent way to much time trying to figure out what a YBR was.
So what would a safe bioload be for a 10g on a 72hr TT? I've got two clowns, two YWG and an azure damsel right now in the DT. TTM will need to be run with a tang and a wrasse to round out the stocking list. Could I get away with a 2" tang and a subadult six line or coris in one go?

How do you guys typically handle the WCs mix up 100gallons of it in the rubber maids on day one with a heater and powerhead then just get rolling I guess?
So what would a safe bioload be for a 10g on a 72hr TT? I've got two clowns, two YWG and an azure damsel right now in the DT. TTM will need to be run with a tang and a wrasse to round out the stocking list. Could I get away with a 2" tang and a subadult six line or coris in one go?

How do you guys typically handle the WCs mix up 100gallons of it in the rubber maids on day one with a heater and powerhead then just get rolling I guess?
In a 10g two or three small fish would be the max. Those two will be fine.
Thanks guys. So from there I guess the question is do Humblefish peroxide approach or do safety stop/ formalin and methylene blue dips followed by 36/36/36/36/72/72 done or ...???

I feel like safety stop is a good move to potentially provide some temporary relief to any affliction going into the regime.