Qhat is this green snot?


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I cannot seem to get a pic of this, but something turned up in my rank that was not added and nothing has been added for at least a few months. Not to be gross, but it looks like a giant yellowish green snot ball loogey.

It has some very short 1/16 inch almost but not quite fur looking stuff on about half the surface that lioks to be the same color and consistency of the main portion. It also has an eigth inch diameter hole at the most visible end and looks to have caverns of similar holes inside. It is tucked up under some rocks, maybe getting 40 percent of the normal light. About 1.5 inches long, .75 inch wide, and .25 inch tall.

If anyone gas any ideas what it could be I will gladly research it more. I am stumped.

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For what it is worth, I can find no pics of cyano that look remotely like it

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I was able to slide the rock out enough to put a large turbo snail on it. The snail seems to be eating it, so I guess I will wait to see what happens. I still cannot find anything that looks like it online though.

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The snail did not eat it but I was able to scrape it off with the water change hose next to it to suck it up. Whatever it was, it has not returned.
Bacterial bloom maybe?

I've seen 'snot balls' in a sump before and we concluded it was a clump of bacteria.

Atfirstwethoughtitwasboogersbutitsnot ;)

I was a little over due to replace my carbon and GFO, but my water was still testing fine. Not sure, but it is still gone. I will keep looking for it to see if it returns.