QT blue regal and HLLE


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Marietta/ East Cobb
Hi guys,

I picked up a blue regal the other day and he is currently sitting in a 20 long QT. He was known to have ich before and has a moderate case of HLLE. He is about 3 inches long so should be fine in the 20 gallon tank for a month while I get him back into shape. If need be I have a 40 gallon I could also set up and move him too.

I haven't dosed copper or anything for ich. My thought is to monitor right now and hope I can clear up the HLLE before doing any heavy medication. I don't see any signs of ich yet, so that's good news. I might try a modified tank transfer method to avoid copper. My thought is to move the fish to a 5 gallon bucket or something similar, do full water changes every 2 or 3 days using my display tank water (same as he is in now). Scrub the 20 gallon real clean, and replace the fish with new water. Does that seem like it might have an effect on ich? Would it be too stressful for the fish?

Other thoughts are just normal qt proceedures. I will probably replace about half the water every 2-3 days. For the HLLE I am going to try to get him eating vitamin soaked food (algae sheets and rods food), and keep water parameters as stable as possible. Any thoughts on if I'm going about this right? I'll be the first to admit my qt proceedures haven't always been the best but I have beat ich a few times with delicate wrasses through qt.
I try to avoid meds if I can. Velvet or something like that is a different story. If the fish didn't have a case of HLLE I'd say do the tank transfer. Right now I'd just keep the water quality good and stable in the QT, make sure there's PVC pieces in there for it to hide in. I like to paint white pvc black and haven't had any issues. If you don't want to do that get some schedule 80 gray pieces. I use a 3" 90, an 1-1/2 Tee and a 1-1/2 90 in a 20 long. The dark color doesn't reflect light into the PVC which keeps it darker in there so they feel safe.

Feeding the nori and rods is good but also add some Selcon or Vitachem to the food. Mysis is good too, thaw it in RO water and rinse then add the supplement. Brightwells vitamin C is another good thing to add to the water. What you're doing is building up the fish's immune system in a low stress environment and giving it the nutrition to clear up the HLLE.

If the fish does start showing ich you can feed it Metro & Focus mixed in the Rod's or mysis. It won't rid the qt of all the ich but it will kill all the parasites attached to the fish with out having to dip or use copper. Once the HLLE is cleared up then you can decide if you want to do further treatments for ich and by then you'll have fattened up the fish some.

I also just got
What did you get for your qt? I don't see a picture or link? Good news is the tang is getting a little more brave and took down some nori and pellets I've dropped in. Thanks for the advice. Let's hope he fattens up and gets healthy.
If you hover your mouse over or tap on "One of these" you'll find the link, it's there.
Thanks, on mobile it doesn't show a different color or any other formatting to clue into a link. Works if you click/touch it. Might be something to look into for whoever can make technical changes on the site.
Miracle mud by eco systems is proven to cure HLLE, it’s avsilable and in stock at Atlanta aquariums on pleasant hill rd. It’s the only medication you’ll need and it’s natural,AND it’s awesome for corals.