QT on clams......


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I have a clam coming on Tuesday (hopefully)

I've read up on Clams and their needs, but getting conflicting advice. My QT tank is a 5g bowfront with a 50/50 9w screw in bulb. I don 't think this will meet the needs of a clam while in QT......

What have you guys done in the past regarding clam QT?

Dakota, I also hope your clam comes in... :).

As for QT for clams, not everyone has a spare halide lying around... but I have a spare halide you can borrow it if you like.

Honestly though, I would not QT the clam if I was you since you don't have any clams in the tank to protect. I don't know of any diseases that a clam can transfer to corals or fish, and from my understanding dipping clams is out of the question. As such, just acclimate him... set it and forget it!
adding to future interest daid just make sure there arent any redbugs on it =)
i just purchase a really nice clam just waiting to put him in my tank before my mom tries to keep it in her tank on me.
Thanks Jin, your advice seems the easiest, so I'm going with it!

Can that still be called an informed decision if the decision comes out of laziness?

Thanks for the offer of the metal halide thats very nice, and I kinda wonder what it would do to the 5g acrylic bow front if I were to try it, but in light of your sage wisdom, I shall now not need it.

I'll check the clam for bugs....... very very closely

Thanks guys
Ok I will chime in on this... Sorry guys, I took yesterday off... ;)

A clam in a 5 gal QT DOES NOT NEED A HALIDE.... Heck I have kept one very alive and appy off the 5100-6500K bulbs that many of us use on our fuges while in a 10 gal. The light does not have to travel far so this SIMPLE light set up works very well.

Just set it up like you would any other QT, the clip on light, a small powerhead, and a HOB filter if you got one. Use the water from your main tank to set it up (Containes stuff your clam needs to eat while in QT).

POOF you are golden...

I would say a two week QT is enough to spot bad snails and flatworms. Do you know what to look for in Pinched Mantel?