QT Setup


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Sparta Ga
So i just got my first drilled tank, its 120g and i want to make sure i do things right cause i would hate to have my first large tank crash or get infested so I've been thinking about how I want to setup my QT tank which I want to get setup and cycled before my 120g but I guess my question is going to be how do y'all think would be best to setup a QT tank? Like what I've been thinking about today is should there be sand or should it be bare bottom?

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bare bottom a few large pvc elbows for the fish to hide in a hob filter for water movement and to run carbon if you need small powerhead and heater and air stone is how i run mine
I would read, read, read first. Look at posts like this.

QT is, in my opinion, both essential and difficult to master. Done without care, it often results in death from ammonia, oxygen deprivation, etc.

My advice (not full plan, but stuff to keep in mind):
* Bare tank, 20 gallon is ideal size, nothing but pvc, heater, HOB filter and powerhead.
* HOB is not enough flow. You need the powerhead to keep healthy flow and oxygen exchange
* HOB is for bio filter (you can seed with media from your established tank). Also consider dosing with bacteria in a bottle. Number 1 killer in QT is ammonia build up
* 20-40% water changes every 3-4 days. Again, ammonia. You can't possibly have a strong bio filter in QT without planning way in ahead, so err on side of caution and change water frequently
* I prophylactically treat with copper, so be sure to measure and test correctly, and add correct amount of copper when doing water changes
* If using copper, dose slowly, 2x slower than package says. I do it over 4 days.
* Feed tempting food (lightly). I feed frozen brine shrimp to get them eating. Not great nutrition, but you want them eating something. Personally, I make sure that they are eating well for several days before starting copper. Copper can reduce appetite, so you want to know they are eating first, so that if you start copper and they stop, you know why.
Thank you so much, I'll deff be keeping all that in mind while setting up my QT

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