QT tank setup/questions


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Hey all,

So few a couple months ago I had an ich outbreak. I set up a QT tank in a rush, used some water from my DT threw a fluval C filter in(https://www.amazon.com/Fluval-14003A1-C4-Power-Filter/dp/B003SJXTIU">https://www.amazon.com/Fluval-14003A1-C4-Power-Filter/dp/B003SJXTIU</a>) heater little bit of rock from my sump and an old HOB skimmer. Let it sit for 2 weeks then threw a tester fish in for a week and he lived for another week or so. Took him out got my remaining fish from my DT and decided to put them through hypo.

Went 6 weeks through hypo doing water changes every day, some times twice a day constantly fighting with ammonia and nitrite/nitrate. Started with 7 fish in a 30 gallon (1 power brown tang, 1 fairy wrasse, 3 anthias, 2 cardinals) At the end of 7 weeks I had lost 2 anthias and the last one was showing symptoms like others were so I decided it was time to get them out. I had been raising salinity slowly so I was just skipping the "watch" phase for a week to make sure ich was good at 1.026. But this guy wasn't going to make another 7 days.

Next I dripped them into the DT and everyone survived but the last anthia. He didn't show his face again after first night. Ever to be lost or eaten somewhere in the DT. Going on just over 2 weeks now and no ich (knocks on wood). Everyone else is doing fine but my QT....

I can't seem to get the nitrites to go back down and balance out. I've been running as skimmer and this fluval filter for a 3+ weeks at a decent salinity and they just wont go down. The ammonia did spike after I took fish out and now it is at 0 maybe just above depending on the shade of yellow but the nitrites not budging.

I'm wondering if this Fluval C just doesn't have the capabilities of holding a cycle? It has these ([IMG]http://www.fluvalaquatics.com/ca/product/14023-c-nodes/#.WLNVBlxGRxA">http://www.fluvalaquatics.com/ca/product/14023-c-nodes/#.WLNVBlxGRxA</a>) nodes in it which should be able to hold bacteria. And after going through the whole hypo treatment I've never changed those. I would assume they would be enough bacteria to get cycle going again?

What do you think? I just recently added a cup full of dry rock that was dried out from my sump to see what it does, even considering taking a small rock from sump with healthy bacteria on it and sticking it in there. But even if that works, I need to get this working properly so I can QT other fish in there. And if I need to hypo them ect I want something that actually holds some bacteria. Should I replace the nodes that's in there with crushed live rock or something?

Whatcha think? Thanks for any advice.
Canister filters are notorious for causing nitrates as they catch detrius and there it sits unless you're cleaning it out often. Hence why people don't run them on reef tanks. That would be my first place to look. Other than that...it simply may not have cycled through yet. Ammonia will spike and settle then nitrites and finally nitrates. Once all 3 have gone back to zero...you have cycled.

As for the ich....there are easier solutions IMO. I've never found hyposalinity to work. What has worked for me is individual dipping in a copper solution with an elevated temperature in the QT...about 84 degrees but you have to take it up slowly and bring it back down slowly. This over a 6 week period and I've never had ick again.
It's not a canister filter it's a hang on the back design.

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