QT Tank to borrow or buy?


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Posting here because this is primarily a loan request...

I believe my 6+ inch Magnificent (Metallic) Foxface has developed fin rot, and I am in need of an (ideally temporary) QT tank for him (or her). I will need to treat him for at least 5 days, and will keep him isolated long enough to be sure it is really gone. I have a 10g, but he is far to big for that one, even on a temporary basis.

I am looking for a 30g or so, ideally with some sort of stand. Does not need to have an overflow, and I may even have lights that would work. I have filters, heaters, powerheads, etc.. I know I could get one fairly cheaply, but I have no good place to keep it long term at this time (too much aquarium junk... really need to do a sale).

I live in the Emory/Decatur area, and can come pick it up. I SHOULD know tonight for sure if it is fin rot or something else.

I can trade some equipment for its' use, and of course will sterilize when finished.

Please PM if you can spare one for a couple of weeks.


I have a 29G LMK, I also have a 24'' light that could work. I also have a small stand. It is small but it will work.
reef1973;35492 wrote: Mike, I think the 10g would work just fine for a hospital tank. That's what I've used in the past when my fish got sick. You really don't want a 30g tank since you have to change the water everyday (it's the best way to treat a rot fin disease).

If it were any of my other fish, I would use it, but this guy is a monster and really likes to swim. When he extends his spikes fully, he is about 6 or 7 inches long and 5 or 6 top to bottom. I was trying to keep the stress level down somewhat. Open to other opinions, however!!

How much water did you change daily? I am going to use Maracyn (#2, I think... have to read the bottles to make sure which is better for this) to treat with. My mixed storage was just topped off, and is about 80-85 gallons.


Maroons15;35491 wrote: I have a 29G LMK, I also have a 24'' light that could work. I also have a small stand. It is small but it will work.

Thanks! I'll hold this one in reserve... Dawsonville is a bit of a haul, and some folks are indicating I might be able to get by (and prefer) something smaller.

Again, Thanks!!

Heck Reef, I would think about buying one of those from ya to store hypo water in for all the QTing I am doing for people. It sucks not having hypo on tap!
Thanks for all of the responses! I had considered a Rubbermaid, and actually have some, but I'd like to be able to see this guy from the side during treatment... His spines make it difficult to safely reach in and check him out to see how well he is doing, and the top view does not show much.

I think I'll just go with my 10g. If a PBT can survive treatment in one, I expect a FF can, though other than the rot itself, he seems healty and happy. I also realized that I can just set it up on my kitchen counter next to the sink for the 2 weeks or so I'll have him out. Nice to be single sometimes.

Now, how to catch him...

Thanks again!
