Quarantine Tank Lighting for Corals?


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Hi all, I just received my first coral and I have it in my QT. It's a big brown toadstool leather. I checked the lighting I have in the tank and it is a 50/50 Coralife and only 20w.

Will this coral be alright for a week or a few days, until I can get my canopy finished, somtime late next week?

Right now, I have the light on 8hrs from 12pm - 8pm. It looks alright, but this is my first coral too, so I have little experience knowing healthy corals from ones with problems.

youre supose to have medium to high light for this coral, it has zooxanthellae algae hosting within its body and this supplies it with most of its nutrition. If the light is on 20W I'ld say there is a good chance of the coral not surviving, or if it will, it'll be in poor shape.
QT is a great thing, but if you are worried about it and don't have the proper equitment, then I wouldn't worry too much about it. I just do a fresh water dip with flatworm exit and a little iodine. This has worked pretty good for me and it gets rid of most inverts in the process (flatworms, etc.)

I know that method won't work for redbugs on SPS though. That requires a bit more work.

I would either go to home depot and set up something like this:
a> for about $15 bucks. (Should work if you get the "Daylight" version of a bulb since they do not have Temps on the box anymore.)  Maybe someone has a small PC light you can borrow for a week. I have a 48" laying around that you can borrow, you would just have to set it up on a tank and rig it to work.
Dont get me wrong, I think quarantine is a necessary and important thing- but i really think it is way overdone soemtimes. This is one of those cases. What is your purpose for quarantining a leather coral? What diseases/pathogens are you looking for? What will the treatment be? Personally, if I were worried about introducing a pathogen into the tank, I would have all this information at hand. For most of my corals, their pre-tank routine is a dip in freshwater, or maybe something more "nasty", like lugol's, but then in the tank they go.

Maybe I am way off, but what are you quarantining a leather for over such a long duration that it needs adequate lighting?
I do not think he is worried about his coral bringing anything in.... He does not have a canopy and lighting on his main tank right now and wants to store the corals someplace till the display tank is done.
Xyzpdq0121 wrote: I do not think he is worried about his coral bringing anything in.... He does not have a canopy and lighting on his main tank right now and wants to store the corals someplace till the display tank is done.

*Ding, Ding Ding*

You are correct!

Yea, I am tentatively planning a complete date of this Friday to have my canopy totally complete and installed with lights and fans and everything. It's not that I am quarantining the corals for disease, but that I have zero lights on my main tank and at least 20w of 50/50 on my QT. Just wanted to know if the coral would survive for a week under those lights, or if I had to up the lighting.

I now have 110w of PC over the coral thanks to Shawn and I should be fine for as long as it takes for me to finish the canopy.

Thanks for the help all though, I appreciate it.
Ok- if I had read the post, I would have known that. I'm dumb. Good luck.
Hey no problem. If thats not enough for you I forgot I have the two 10k's pc's on the sump I can swing over for you. Just in case you need them.
Hey thanks man. So far, everything looks alright.

I'll definitely let you know though.

My coral thanks you.