Question about Monti


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I ordered some zoas off of ebay months ago. Unexpectedly, I recieved a small frag of an orange monty, (just to let you know why I didn't research it before I bought it......)

I clued it to a rock, part of it bleached, then came back, now the top part looks white/brown/orange marbled (remember, this piece was the size of a quarter when I got it, its now about the size of a half dollar)

Most interesting, tonight I noticed these white polyp type things growing on the underside that gets little to know light.

Is this common?

I looked online, no info jumped out immediately about this, so I thought I'd post here.
The underside of monti cap (I'm assuming it's a cap, not a digitata) is usually off-white with pale polyps, though not nearly as densely populated, so that's normal. The top colors probably mean it's just acclimating to the light/tank conditions, and recovering from its bleaching episode. Sounds like it's bouncing back, though.