question about ro/di


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hey guys.

do i genuinely need a ro/di or is that just another thing that us reefers can live without.

if i do, what will i need to buy besides a ro/di kit from or some other store.

i already have a 5 gal bucket. (no i do not have room for a giant water room, lol) apartment dweller.
Not to mention some LFS saltwater/RODI might not even have great TDS on their water. Some of these stores move so much water they have problems keeping the TDS number down and are swapping filters/membranes like crazy. Trust me on this, it pays off. I used to run to the store to get water. I would have days where I would be running to the fish store sick as can be because I was running out of top-off water that I mix kalk in. I much rather just walk into the back room and make some up.
Went through the same thing living in an apartment before I bought my home. After I got my first unit while in the apartment it was such a relief trust me. I got a hose adapter for it from Home Depot so I wouldn't tap into any lines and left it in my tiny outside storage closet. Whenever I needed it I simply hooke it up, let it run for a minute to get a clean reading and BAM clean trouble free water. Also great in emergencies because you do not have to leave for water
I toted water for 3 years...Ill never do it is a must in my mind and if it's in your home you'll never do without again :)