Question on GFO (PhosPure, in this case)


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Hey folks,
Do you need to sandwich this stuff between foam inside a reactor to keep it from clouding the tank?

I used a cup of it in my 200g tank, rinsed it well and everything, and set it to a very, very slow tumble in my RedSea media reactor. This morning, my tank is totally clouded with this stuff.

What should I do? (PhosPure is the rust-colored GFO--just like Phosban)
Erm Jesse you don't want to let the granules move at all. They will break down into a ultra fine dust and do exactly what has occurred. I'm not sure, but you might want to do some water changes asap as tiny rust particles floating around just can't be good.

In a reactor you do need to sandwich them. In the alternative you can tightly pack a bag. I just tightly pack a filter bag and throw it my filter sock.
OK I've got it under control now--I switched out reactors and now have it a TLF reactor sandwiched between foam. The water has cleared but there is a fine rust colored dust on a lot of the rocks/back walls of the tank... I've doing an 80g water change on Saturday, so hopefully that will mitigate any issues with the dust.

What can this stuff potentially do, anyways???
It's just collected some on the tufts of algae, none on the corals.
I did put in a Poly filter yesterday morning, but have been out of town since then, so hopefully, it's helping out. I'll let you all know tomorrow how it all pans out...

I did not know clams were affected by it--hopefully mine are doing alright...
The only negative I can think of is that you may start getting some unwanted macro algae blooms if you're battling them as they love iron...