Question...Tank transfer


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I currently have a 72 BF, NOTdrilled/RR, no sump, HOB protein skimmer, 2-HOB emperor filters. PC lighting. With this set-up I had the following: 1-tomato, 2-false percs, 1 yellow tang, 1-firefish, 2-random damsels. About 100lbs live rock, with some corals including, Xenia, frogspawns, RBTA, Candy, Zoas, Toadstool, Kenya Tree. All seemed to thrive..No sand, crushed agronite coral, I think...

want to transfer over to a..

72" BF drilled/RR with Sump, Protien Skimmer, etc.

Question is....what do I need to do to insure the best conditions for my fish and coral?? Should I keep all/most current water? Partial/Complete water change opportunity? I'm just getting my feet wet in this hobby so any advice would be appreciated.
Since you have no sand bed, the easiest thing to do is set up the new tank with about 1/3 water.

Siphon off enough from the old tank to keep the livestock happy for a while. Don't forget to put a heater and circulation pump in with them.

Presumably, you'll have to off-load the rock to a container (again, filled with old tank water) to reverse your display arrangement. Be sure to keep the rock fully covered in old tank water as much as possible.

Put as much of the remaining old tank water into the new display. Now begin moving the rock to arrange it in small groups to maintain submersion as much as possible. Pour water from the LR bin into the display or other source to keep the arranged LR submerged. Don't pour in all the gunk from the bottom of the LR bin.

Now re-add livestock.

I'd do some 20% or so water changes every 3-4 days and test the nitrites/nitrates daily to ensure you don't get a crash. You shouldn't but best to be safe.
Forgot to mention that the new tank comes with live sand and that I wanted to incorporate it with the rock and fish as well.
Ah. In that case, you really need to cycle the tank. Most live sand is sand with random nutrients and bacteria thrown in, not really sand from an established reef system. How much live sand? Enough for a DSB (4" or more) or just enough to cover the bottom?
I would take 1/2 of the water from tank A and put it into tank B and let it run. Add some new water to tank A so it is running 100% full. The new tank can just run with a powerhead and 1/2 water for a while as you check your levels.

btw, what sand are we talking about? Sand from another tank or the prebagged "live" sand?