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can i fill a tank with the water and salt before i add the sand?? will the sand sink or will it make a mess, i have a 55 and i and i want to start but i dont have enough sand to do it i have to wait???
it won't matter that much, but you don't want it all over your rock either. you can blow it off with a power head though.
sit the sand in the bottom of the tank still in the bag.. Fill it with water and cut a X in the bags of sand and slowly pour them out.. Lessens the sand storm..
Here is my suggestion.

Put the sand in. Then take something that floats like a styrofoam plate...I used a plastic cutting board.

Put a cup on top of your floating thing and fill the water into the cup letting the water gently cascade down the side of the cup and flow gently into the tank and your water will be nice and clear.

Then add your rock.

If you want water first that is fine too but after you add your sand the water will be cloudy. A simple hang on the back filter system will clear it up in a day.
You can also "wash" the sand... put it in a container, and fill the container up with safe fresh water. The sand will stay in the bottom, but the "dust" will cloud the water. Dip out the water from above the sand, then repeat. After a few times you will have gotten most of the tiny stuff out of it.

If it's live sand, you might want to make sure the water is at the right temp... I don't know that this would matter, but no harm in being cautious.