
I have 55 lbs of live rock, 40 lbs of live sand, just added 2 fish. It finished cycling about a week ago. The fish i added had been in this tank for 2 half years. This tank was at my parents they didnt take care of it so i broke it down and setup a temp tank to hold the 2 fish still in there. I cleaned everything out and started all over and i just now added the 2 fish back to their home. I also have a clean up crew in there. My current levels are ammonia 0, ph 8.2, salinty 1.025, nitrite 0, nitrates 10.
Well your parameters look right on.

I would probably be inclined to do a partial in a week and every week thereafter.

But I suck at this hobby.
How much of a water change? 40 gallon tank so maybe 5 gallon water change.