Questions about moving to the 180

seedless reefer

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I am at the point where I need to catch the fish in my 125.

They will be living in a 29 gallon for a day or two.

When I filled the 29 I used 10 gallons of my tank water,
5 gallons of new water and topped off with RO.

I put the inverts in last night after acclimation.

This morning it appears the cleaner shrimp was a casualty.

I tested the water and here is what I have

Nitrite 0
Nitrate 10
Ammonia 0
PH 7.8/7.9 a little low
Alk 0
SG 1.022
Temp 80

These parameters should be ok to hold the fish after drip acclimation or should I fiddle with it to bring the PH up?
I think Sg of 1.022 is a little low for inverts but OK for fish. If it was me, I'd have the two tanks be identical in water parameters and not go through the stress of acclimation. Especially since you are going to do it again in a couple of days.
I tried to test the water in the 125 and the test kit ran shrieking, is now hiding under the bed and have no way of coaxing it out.
You moved the cleaner from a toxic waste dump to a clean environ. He died in ecstacy.
