quick questions about coral


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ok so my 29 gallon tank i have a sunpod 150watt MH and i bought some frogspawn well the were fine for a week or so then they stopped "coming out" and turned white so i set up my 14 gallon biocube with the "stock" lighting i put the frogspawn in there and now they are back after about 2 weeks they are fully out and green and waving and just look awsome. I picked up some pom pom xenia and some zoas from sal today. I put the pom pom in fine cause they were attatched to a rock but the zoas when i put them in they kind of floated so i set them on a rock but the current in that small of a tank just kinda makes them roll a little bit. They arent falling off the rock but they aren't looking like they will stay there. So will they mount themselves or how do i do that. Also why is my stock biocube lighting doing better on my corals than my 150watt mh Sunpod?
The frogspawn could have been in shock from the new lighting, depends on what they were used to before. You might want to acclimate them slowly to the new 150MH. As for the zoas, just use some Superglue Gel and glue them back to the rock. Keep the glue at the base of the zoas and cover as little of the polyp as you can. They will do fine and will open up once they feel secure where they are, the movement will cuase them to not open and they will surely die. It's not that your stock lighting is doing better, it's just that the corals you placed under them are more acclimated to lower light levels. You can get all your corals used to the new lighting but you have to do it slowly. Start by placing them the farthest from the light and reducing your light cycle. Slowly, over a week increase your light cycle and place the corals where they seem happiest. Takes some trial and error but you'll get the hang of it!
o ok i see well i just felt more comfortable putting them all in my 14 gallon plus im dealing with an algae thing in my 29 right now so they are all in the 14 gallon......the zoas are coming out but still kinda moving a little bit. if i dont glue them down will it be a huge problem? i mean they arent falling or anything and some of the little polyps are starting to open up so is it good for now?
The challenge you will have if you don't glue them in place, is that your clean up crew may end up knocking them around and off the rock you have them on. I have had crabs knock over small rocks in my nano that I thought were secure.
quick question is a 24 watt 10K and a 24 watt Actinic strong enough lighting for a small 5-10 polyp frag of zooas and a small frag of pulsating xenia???

or should i put these in my 29 gallon under the 150 watt MH sunpod?
can anyone answer my last question?? just wanna make sure those lights are strong enough
I too have a 150 Sunpod but mineis on a standard 20 gal. with a HOB CPR skimmer. I am using it as a frag tank. The frags were not doing well and I had algae problems. I added snails, crabs....Finally a small Kole tang and eventually a lawnmower blenny. Nothing helped until I cut the photo period down to five hours a day down to eight. Temp might be a problem too. I had a temp problem untill I cut the lights back. The corals you have named will do fine under either light but the colors will be better under the MH... Just follow the instructions others have offered here and you will be fine...
yeah my algae problem went from green hair to red dust looking algae and now its just all over the place more red dust looking than hair looking i picked up a couple of BIG snails that are starting to mow through some stuff.....i have cut my lighting back and also cut back on how much i was feeding......i have a HOB CPR skimmer but i didnt want to put anything else in there until the algae cleared up..........so u think 5 hours a day is good for the MH what about the little blue and white LED's how long did u have them on and when ex: before the MH after the MH or both?