Quick RO/DI Question


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Finally got my RO unit up, but just a quick question.

It has a valve that cuts flow to the waste water. With it open it blasts out water while only a little goes clean. With it closed it still spits out waste but makes more clean water. Which is the right way?

It's kinda hard to tell from you description... There will need to be some kind of flow restrictor that will cut flow for the waste water. On a normal setup (without a pressure pump and only one membrane), you'll get around 4 gallons of waste water to 1 gallon of RO water.
honestly, I cannot measure how i have it, but it sounds like a pressure washer in my bathroom with the valve open, and slow trickle with it closed (either way, more waste for clean). I guess it forces water through the membrane vs flush? My directions were not very descriptive...sorry. Maybe if I can find my camera I'll take a picture
It sounds like you're talking about the flush valve. When open it bypasses the restrictor to flush the membrane, normal operation is with the valve closed.