Quiet One 2200 Piece of Junk


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Well we had a power outage for about 5min today (they're working on the road up the street) and when power came back, the pump was making a humming sound, but no water was moving. It occasionally does this (one of the reasons I planned to replace it) and you have to bump the pump to get the water moving again. I bumped it, nothing. Bumped it harder, nothing. I unhooked it, disassembled it, rinsed it out (not much in there) hooked it back up, nothing. It just makes a humming noise. I took this opportunity to install the Mag 9.5 (which I had been putting off til I actually had the time to do it) and holy cow! That thing is seriously testing the limits of my 800gph overflow box, lol, but with over double the water movement into/out of the sump, I hope to notice some improvement.

Anyways, any idea on the Quiet One? I was planning to use it on another tank, but as unreliable as it is, I don't want to risk having the power go out when I'm gone for a weekend or something and the tank crashes.
I just use mine (a quiet one) on replacing water from a water change. I don't trust it for much else as when I got it (used) I had to rebuild it and clean it to get it to move water.
Yeah, I have a livewell pump I use for changes that only runs about 50gph less than the Quiet One, and doesn't have any threaded hookups, just a barbed output, and it's intake is at the bottom of the pump, so it gets the water pretty low before I shut it off.
If your QO2200 is a few years old, they had a huge batch that went out with the wrong size of bushings, causing it to lock on start up. They're not bad</em> pumps, per se, as they typically work well enough and are a lot quieter than Mag Drives.
It was ordered from DFS this past August.

And I don't have macro in the sump, just equipment...I am getting a bigger sump with a refugium this weekend and hope to have macro in it then.
I agree with Dawgdude. Even if you don't have a refugium, the longer the dwell time the better your skimmer will skim and your heater will be more efficent.
Yeah, I hadn't planned on putting the 9.5 in yet, I was waiting for my larger sump and was planning to tune it down a bit, but I didn't have everything I needed and had to leave for work, so just hooked it up, made sure it wouldn't overflow the tank, and left.