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A slight bout of insomnia has inspired me to post some pics.

Shot from the seahorse tank:
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Female Seahorse
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Seahorses (H. kuda</em>)
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Coco Worm
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black onyx clown pair (in a different tank)

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In his makeshift host (although they happily took to the anemone I acclimated this evening)
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I have questions most dumb I am sure. What equipment did you use to snap those pics? Second, what are the red fan and blue/green bubble guy?

That tank looks incredible as do those photos you shot. Very very impressive.
Thank you, everyone!

Mak - Yes, that's calupera. The seahorses love macro algae for shelter and hitching posts. Plus, it's a great source of filtration for the tank, which is fed very heavily to keep the horses happy.

Cameron - your Qs are not dumb! At least not in my opinon... but I've asked far worse. ;) Believe me or not, I only use a point-and-shoot Canon A95; it's a 5 mp, old camera, but I can't afford much better at the moment, and I've figured out what works for decent shots. As jmaneyapanda said, the red is a Coco worm, Protula magnifica</em>, and the blue is Ricordea florida</em>.

I was hesitant to post this pic, as it came out rather over-exposed, but what the heck - here's a full shot of the seahorse tank:

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And a few more...

This xenia LOVES the extra nutrients in the water, and it's proven to be a devent filtration source for the tank as well--hence all the growth!
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Male H. Kuda</em> seahorse
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Ok, I'll exercise some self-restraint now and stop.
Beautiful again, I love the lime green and orange zoanthids! I think they are "Bam Bams"??? Am I wrong?
I want one of those coco worms. I have been eyeing one for awhile and your pic have made up my mind!

Great pics... I need to get better at shooting pictures.
Bryan - Honestly, I have no clue on the "show" name of zoas - to me, they are pretty or plain.

Brandon - Coco worms are on sale at CBA. Thanks again.
Yeah the Zoanthids are too hard to keep up with names, It seems every time I learn a new name for a species it has another name also. Maybe you should give us all a discount at CBA!! Just kidding
Well, looks like I need to make it down to cap bay.. How much were they there. I was going to make my weekly trip down there today but I forgot they closed at 5?
Bryan - We don't usually sell coral by the "brand name" at CBA - every coral is special in its own right... ;)

- Only on Sundays. Remember, though, we are closed on Mondays as well. This batch of cocos is $59.99 each.

Mak - I really don't mind! That's what this hobby is about - sharing our ideas and setups. I hope this provides some info:

<u>Tank</u>: 26g AGA bowfront; no sump
<u>Skimmer</u>: AquaC Remora
<u>Lighting</u>: Tek Light - 4 24W T5s (mix of actinic and daylight bulbs); actinics are on for 12 hrs, daylights for 8
<u>Water maintenance</u>: Alk dosed once per week; Ca levels are always 400+ ppm (there are hardly any stony corals in the tank); I do a 5 gallon water change weekly
<u>Feeding</u>: 1.5 cubes of Hikari mysis daily (2-3 times each day)
Do you work at cap bay? Well good to "meet" ya! ;) I need the employee discount before I can afford the coco! ;)