Rapid Tissue Loss on Elkhorn


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I'm a little baffled. I came back home, and suddenly parts of the tissue of the elkhorn acro is gone. Some part of it I saw a few days ago of not doing too well, mainly because 2 of my 4 pumps went out because of a power suge a week ago. Is that the reason? And the pepper mint shrimps I added a few days ago was caught on that acro, and looked like it's doing somethign to it, but doubt it's picking it.
Please tell me what you think. I just got new pumps in the mail today.
Ouling - what are your water parameters? ph, alk, mg, ca, and salinity. All can pay a major role in RTN. I'm positive the peppermints didn't do anything to it.

Frag what you can that isn't RTNing. Hopefully you can salvage some of the coral. Good luck and keep us posted.

All my other corals are fine, the ones that is alot more picky, and chemistry is all good. I think it's the flow. And I've fragged every tip on that colony, which also caused an complete makeover by rocks falling down on my soft corals. but lets see how it works out in the morning.
I'm no expert, but I heard doing a dip in a high iodine concentration solution can help to retard tissue necrosis. Hope your acro makes it!!
Looks at your Ph and Ca......that is usually the culprit...Also what iis the water temp? Is there a large temp swing during the 24 hours? Wondering..

Mine usually has a 4 degree swing everyday.
my tank is hooked up with 2 heaters and a chiller, water temp never swing over 2 degree, calcium is 450-470 and PH is 8.4... It's the lack of flow that is causing it.
Could be flow. Could be anything. So I'd remove whats dying off. Check all paramaters and do a water change. Check that its not two corals fighting.
Simon.Kruger wrote: Could be flow. Could be anything. So I'd remove whats dying off. Check all paramaters and do a water change. Check that its not two corals fighting.

Good point about the corals fighting. That could be it. Also check your Alk. So far, I've had 2 sps rtn. One I saved due to fragging. The first one, all I can figure is that my alk was low. The second just went. Everything was in order. Though, it may not have been getting enough light. So I am upgrading to that in the next few weeks.

Good luck,

After the new powerhead starts going everything seems to be good. It was the flow. Who ever said water flow wins this contest and is now considered more awesome than others. HIGH FIVE!