Rapidly Disappearing Alkalinity


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I just picked up another complete cube setup that was well established and has some very nice corals. I have 2 other cubes setup similarly. On my 2 cubes, my alkalinity stay pretty dang steady between daily 2-part dosing. However, this tank drops from 9 to 7 DAILY. Calcium and MG stay steady at roughly 450 and 1300, so what is happening to my Alk??? This tank is closed top and runs a chiller and has basically zero evap opposed to my other tanks, which would make me think it to be MORE stable, not flaky like this.

All my tanks get weekly 20% PWC's and the exact same treatment (other than daily dosing amounts). I don't want to bump my dosing up on this tank anymore due to fear the big ALK swings could shock my inhabitants.

On another note the previous owner said the tank stayed steady at 8 for him with no dosing, and I've had the tank for a week and already have this tremendous fluctuation. 75% of the water in the tank was saved and transported and I am using his salt too. Literally changed nothing but location.
You must test your water alot to realize fluctuations from 9-7dkh daily.......Too stressfull for me :)
Tell me about it. I test it alot trying to get my dosing amounts determined and will stop once I see a stable pattern. But yes......the fluctuations have me stressed right now with ORA colonies the size of softballs in the tank:D
I bet....I have been losing quite a few corals as of late...Alk and Cal is a pain to keep stable without the right equipment and/or time to dose daily.