RBTA with Mushroom

how in the H do you upload photos?? this new site not near as user friendly as the old site. I hate this new site , cannot upload a damn photo. it tells me all my photos are too large over 4mb

Send me a message with your phone number and ill send it . The RBTA is still in the mushroom alive and well

how in the H do you upload photos?? this new site not near as user friendly as the old site. I hate this new site , cannot upload a damn photo. it tells me all my photos are too large over 4mb
Im very sorry for your inconvience (if we allowed 18mb pics, our site speed would suffer and we would have to increase to a very expensive data storage plan.  There are two ways to make it easy.  Lower the resolution on your camera to 8mb (the picture quality is negligible) or use an app or website to reduce the picture resolution (there are tons of free optimizers on the web).  You can also just "edit" and "crop" the picture it will resize it for you.