Rbta ?


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It has been a week since I bought my RBTA and it still hasn't come out of it's hiding place. Should I be worried? I have read that they will hide for a few days when introduced into a new environment. It looks healthy from what I can see.
mine hid for quite some time befor it decided to come out, now that thing is HUGE!!! Dont worry it'll come out when its ready, just make sure youre spot feeding it till it comes out in the light so it can get the nutrition it needs.
My new BTA had been MIA for the past week as well, but just today it's come out from hiding, maybe because my clowns refuse to leave it alone! Don't worry - this is a common behavior for newly-introduced anemones. Often, they will wander around your tank until they find their preferred location for flow, lighting, etc. I wouldn't try moving it yourself either, as this usually ends up being a futile attempt; anemones really do have a mind of their own in some regards.
chull13 wrote: It has been a week since I bought my RBTA and it still hasn't come out of it's hiding place. Should I be worried? I have read that they will hide for a few days when introduced into a new environment. It looks healthy from what I can see.


What is your lighting and tank turnover? What was the BTA's lighting situation (at the LFS or wherever you got it) before you bought it?


Don't worry too much these things have the will to live. It'll come out when its ready. It's first priority is being safe and secure... and then it'll seek out the light. Is it bleached out at all?
NO it isn't bleached at all right now the tenticles are drawn in and it's mouth looks like is is swelling out. I haven't been able to ffed it yet because I can't really get to it. I almost had a piece of krill in it's tenticles but a Da*$ cleaner shrimp came a stole it
chull13 wrote: NO it isn't bleached at all right now the tenticles are drawn in and it's mouth looks like is is swelling out. I haven't been able to ffed it yet because I can't really get to it. I almost had a piece of krill in it's tenticles but a Da*$ cleaner shrimp came a stole it

lol, you have to bribe them. I usually hand feed my cleaner a marine pellet right before i feed my anemone. That seems to work, if you have real trouble feeding the anemone and others bothering it, cut the top of a 2litre coke bottle and cover the anemone with that (if possible) and feed it through the mouth of the bottle.
It has been almost 2 weeks now and this guy is still hiding in a cave. I haven't been able to feed it yet because I can't get to it. My chiller quit working on my tank so I have been fighting a bit of a temp fluctuation the past 2 weeks. ~ 2 degrees or so. Do you think this has anything to do with it??
nah I dont think so. On my anemone tank the temp flux's a lil bit cuz I just have a lil computer fan cooling off the halide. Its getting food indirectly, like when you feed your tank so that shouldnt be a concern.
THanks guys, I guess I am just a little anxious to enjoy it. It is probably the most expensive thing in my tank so I would like to be able to see it.
yeah man i hear ya on that, like I said it took mine a lil bit to come out too and actually sometimes hides itself from the light, but never completely hides. I'ld say give it another week and if still nothing I'ld throw a ph back there and try to get him out.
chull, I know this will seem like a long time, but I would give your anemone at least a month to acclimate before you start taking any drastic measures to fix his shyness. Remember, these guys have practically no lifespan, so they're in no rush! ;)

We are talking hundreds of years on the reef... I guess you didn't realize you were buying an heirloom when you got that E. Quadricolor, eh? :)

Have you tried bribing your shrimp yet? I feed my anemone right after I've fed everything else in the tank.

best of luck,
