
Oh, I see it... right there, there’s a hole. Not! Lol

As always, beautiful tank Jesse! What are running lighting wise?


Lights are a combo of T5 and LEDs, but here is the breakdown: I modified a 60" Giesemann Aurora light fixture (4 x 75w LED panels and 4 x 80w T5s) to accept an additional 3 Radion XR15 g4 pros. And there is a 60" Reefbrite XHO strip on both sides of the fixture (one is all blue and one is 50/50). I've measured PAR several times and am getting about 600 at the very top and anywhere from 300 to 100 at the bottom, depending on the shading. I the only one wondering why you have a $7 clown fish? ;)

Actually she was free ;-)

A neighbor was shutting down his daughter's tank so I adopter her. She's the boss and always attacks my hand when I'm in there...

What you don't see is the very-not-$7 borbonias anthias and mystery wrasse in that tank... I'm still deciding about what else to put in there (it's 50g). Any suggestions?

What are running lighting wise over the softie/nem tank.

It's just a solo Radion Gen3 Pro (xr30)
Haha, I have the same problem with my clown. And if its not her, its the damn cleaner shrimp jumping on my arm. You've got to fight the instinct to jerk your arm out so you don't knock everything over.
Maybe a Helfrichi firefish or dwarf angel, however I'm pretty sure I'm not qualified to give anyone advice, lol.
I actually like both those ideas! It's been a while since I kept a flame angel but they are gorgeous. Or a golden angel!
Actually she was free ;-)

A neighbor was shutting down his daughter's tank so I adopter her. She's the boss and always attacks my hand when I'm in there...

What you don't see is the very-not-$7 borbonias anthias and mystery wrasse in that tank... I'm still deciding about what else to put in there (it's 50g). Any suggestions?

It's just a solo Radion Gen3 Pro (xr30)
How about a twin tail fairy wrasse. Very pretty and very social.
Cheap clown looks like a million bucks in your tank! Your tanks look great, 2 of the nicest tanks in GA with great growth and color. My vote is for the Golden angel, one of my favourites but they can be a crap shoot given all angles like to nip some corals...
Dave that’s probably the best placed humble brag ever, given that half those corals originated in your basement LOL. But I’ll take it, thanks!!!

yes you’re definitely right both about the beauty and the risk with angels. I’ve been pretty lucky so far with my pyramid butterflies and swallowtail angels but don’t want to push my luck to much... I actually have started thinking of loading it up with blue eye cardinals and green chromis just to get some more movement in there.

in reality I’ll probably just think about it for 18 more months lolol
HAHA that seems fair. Maybe we can work out a licensing agreement ;-)
I can't stop looking.
What an amazing journey to get to this point. This truly is the holy grail tank