Reading Ph in a Calcium Reactor


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I recently purchased a calcium reactor from another member (thanks!!!) and also received some feedback from that member and value the feedback that was given, but also wanted to poll the masses to see what you all think.

In reference to monitoring the ph (the reactor is a dual chamber reactor MRC-4) you monitor the ph in the first chamber where the co2 is entering the chamber or do just monitor the effluent coming out of the reactor for the proper ph. Obviously what is coming out is most important but should you also have to monitor the ph in the reaction chamber to make sure what is coming out is accurate? Let me know whats up because the reactor doesn't have a probe holder and I was considering drilling and adding a probe to the first reaction chamber.

If you only monitor what is coming out, how do you do that?

Thanks all!
You can buy an inline probe holder for about 30 bucks and place it between the two chambers, which is really ideal.
Before I drilled my lid my CaRX, I used a 1/2 John Guest T (from Home Depot), the pH probe fit like a glove. Later I drilled the lid and used a water filter canister filled reactor media for my buffer.