Ready or not


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I'm nearly there, folks! That exciting, nerve-wracking moment for a brand new reefer that is both the "finish" and the "starting" line in this game. As in, Finished with the preparation, the gathering of equipment and supplies (for now), making the tank ready, and only getting started on having a full and happy reef tank. I'll soon be looking for a couple of small juvenile clownfish... the first inhabitants, yay! But my question is when to add the first corals. I've been reading and researching for months, and there's a lot of contradicting advice. How do I know my tank is ready? When did you add your first coral to your tank, and would you do that again? All advice is appreciated. Stay blessed!
It depends on what corals you're looking to add. What are you thinking?
Soft corals, the usual easy beginner stuff. Mushrooms, leathers, pulsing Xenia (I know, I may regret it, but I really want to try it lol), Kenya tree, gorgonians. Gonis eventually. I want some easy branching types, for a nice mix of shapes, texture, and colors overall. The one that I'm extremely hesitant about is zoas. The idea of palytoxin scares the crap outta me, especially in light of what our fellow member is going through, and they're an experienced reefer! I'm already immunocompromised... not that it would make a difference, as that stuff is nasty without prejudice, equal opportunity devastating. Being prolific growers would be a problem, because once I put it in my tank, I'm not messing with it again 😂... I'd be asking one of y'all to come and get it out!