Ready to swap tanks?


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Sorry it has been a while since I did this. I have a 2-3 year old 60G and am upgrading to a new 120G. The 120G has had water in it for over a week with a few pieces of Live Rock from the 60 along with some clean dead rock.. I had the temp stabilized in the 120 and had a Vortech 40 moving the water around. I got the 120G plumbed and it is now fully functional. The parameters in each tank match (I have used old 60G water to put in the 120G for a couple of weeks). I also placed about a solo cup of "clean" sand from my 60 over to the 120. With all that said I am moving everything (corals, LR, and fish) over to the 120G. I would not expect a large cycle if any since I am using all that is in the 60. Thoughts?
I would still check the water prams to verify. I think u still will have a mini cycle with the dry rock and new sand. Some diatom bloom.
Yes I am watching it closely. I put part of a monti cap that broke off in the new tank just to see what it would do. No rush.
Are you going to move more LR over from the 60g? I'd put some larger pieces in the sump to help move over some bacteria needed to prevent a mini-cycle.
If it were me, and you are taking everything from the 60 directly into the 120, meaning you lift it out of the 60 and dunk it right into the 120, then I would not worry about a cycle, as long as you are not increasing the amount of livestock in the tank at the same time. I doubt you would have any significant die off from the minimal air exposure.

A different story if you are going to leave the LR exposed to air or sitting in tubs of still water for any significant length of time.

I did the same thing when I went from my 300 to my 465 and never checked any parameters and didn't have any issues, so I would not worry about it.
I recently moved everything from my 37 to a 65 gallon. I moved everything (water, rock, sand, media in my sump, fish, and coral) with maybe an hour of sit time in a tub, and still had a mini cycle. I probably wouldn't have known if I didn't check because it didn't harm anything, but I'd still keep an eye on it for a week or so (I had nitrites show up on day 3-4).

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Darren, I just did a similar move today... move from my 210 to a 120. I was able to completely fill the 120 with water from the 210, then moved the rock, coral and fish. I also moved some sand. All looks ok but I am still going to plan on a 40G water change in the next couple of days and then another over the weekend just in case. BZ