Reasons why you frag


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Near Mountain Park Elementary, Lilburn
Just wondering why everyone frags their corals...
  • Recouping some cost
  • Control growth
  • Share the wealth
  • Other?
What got me in this hobby is seeing those amazing full tanks of corals, specifically acros. I been to a number of member's home to pick up frags and most systems I see are mini colonies and I always wonder why.

For me, I hate fragging and only do so when corals grow into each other. I strive to become one of those tanks that are jam packed with acros that inspired me to get into this hobby int he first place.
Trimming so corals dont touch or overgrow, banzai tree treatment.

I love growing a coral out for a year or two and selling frags for half what I paid and still recouping the cost of the coral and giving others a good deal on something that is in my eyes overpriced.

And lastly, to offset the operation costs of the system.
I agree. I’ve only seen one personal tank with full colonies in the past decade or so. It’s was a 600g with 1-2 dozen acros that were each between 18”- 24” across, plus other large corals. The layers and flow was mesmerizing every time I saw it; and the tangs, leopard wrasses, and fat mandarins were just icing on the cake!

For this reason, I’m not fragging much for my first 1-2 years since I moved here from Chicago. But usually my primary motivations are:
•share the well
•giving a friend a backup just in case

Another reason, if you no longer want a coral, is it’s easier to sell several frags than to sell a large colony. That, and gradually selling frags helps to slow a colonies growth, and prevents having to do any major fragging overhauls.
I agree with everything that's been posted but another reason for me is that I really like watching coral grow. It's so much easier to see growth on a small frags than it is on a whole colony. I know my larger colonies are growing and have pictures to prove it but it's not something I notice. One of my favorite frags is a Tyree Idaho grape that I got from @hankhill31 It was a small piece attached to some epoxy and when I went to re-mount it the epoxy basically shattered and I was left with 2 tiny pieces the size of pinheads. Seriously small. I glued them to a frag plug and have watched them grow these past few months. Have all my other corals grown? Absolutely. But those tiny pieces of monti have grown in to a respectable frag and I just love it.