Received extras for order


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Just received my order from Dr. Reef.
I received an extra Yellow Coris and an extra Macropharyngodon meleagris. I’m sure it’s to account for death from shipping, but I know that can’t go together long term.

Should I give it a couple of weeks and make sure they all live then sell one of each?
One of each pair is about an inch and a half while one is about an inch.
Do you have the space to make that happen? I don't know why they would send you an additional 1 ea in case of a death. Sound to me like someone screwed something up. Although it has been a while since I ordered any live fish, perhaps something has changed.

As far as holding on to them goes, it's not a bad idea as long as you have a tank to keep the extras in. They can be near impossible to catch if you have them all in an established reef setup. There are fish traps but in my experience they can be hit and miss. If it were me, I'd hang on to them but I have a 20g QT tank that they could live in while I figure out what to do. In my case, if I ever needed to catch them it would take me about 5 minutes to take everything out of the tank and make catching them easier.
Both species are fickle shippers. I’m sure with a DOA guarantee, you can make sure that one makes it alive by shipping two.

I do have a small quarantine tank. But it doesn’t have sand which both species enjoy. I guess I could put a dish in there and do observation for a couple of weeks to make sure they all make it. Only issue is that I have some coral and inverts in there already, and cross contamination with quarantined fish may defeat the purpose.
I've heard some things about Dr. Reef and "quarantined" fish as of late. Hopefully they are in good shape but observation would be advised.