Recent pics of the 140


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Just a couple new pics here, mostly of the new additions. Now that the algae is almost completely gone, life is improving for these guys.

** this is a repost form the members tanks section. Mods, feel free to verbally assault me.***

A FTS if you're into that sort of thing.
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My Square male courtesy of Marine Fish. Stunning fish, and eats well. This guy aint afraid to wear pink, and he wears it well.
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THis is the first and only fish my girlfriend has picked. She was just so intrigued by his hyper activity level. He is very fast, and I believe he is some type of Red Sea wrasse. Thanks to Saltwater City for "Torpedo"
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THis is an acan I had to have from Dr. Macs. It is much better in person, but has a rainbow variety of colors.
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Some pink zoas. Very similar to my AoGs, just more pink as opposed to orange. Maybe ring of fires, or whatever you call them. They were actually a steal at Marine Fish.
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Rose mille. I love this one, and it is super colorful in person. THis is actually from Sailfins tank, but I got it via Saltwater City.
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A Female lyretail.
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My super pink birdsnest courtesy of Barbara. Dont you love being in debt?
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Nice tank. I like the rock work as well. How is the Achilles doing they are beautiful fish? I am glad the mille made it to a good home.:)

Chris I am asking you this because you have some experience with it. I am going to retrofit 6 t5 in my 75 canopy. Here Is a pic. Is it possible to have bulbs on the flip out part?
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FutureInterest;214328 wrote: Very nice! What are the dimensions on that tank?

It is 48 x 24 x 27

sailfish;214328 wrote: Nice tank. I like the rock work as well. How is the Achilles doing they are beautiful fish? I am glad the mille made it to a good home.:)


The Achilles is doing really well. He is from Saltwater City and I have had him for about 3 months now. He has always been a good eater and is very active. He has had at least some ich ever since I got him, but I just recently got my 57W UV blazing away so I'm hoping this helps a lot.

The whole canopy thing is pretty easy. I think you could easily make it flip up with 2 lamps inside of it. It would just take some planning. You just allow some extra length in the wires for travel, and be sure the thing is structurally sound enough to not have too much flex.

Honestly, my canopy is kinda flimsey, but I in part intended it to be since I wanted it to be super low profile and lightweight. It is both.

When do you want to build it? I may be able to help you.
Well I am hoping on getting the tank in December. So sometime before or after that. I will also be building a stand as well.
If you scroll half way down this page you will see a nice oak stand and canopy on a 75, that is what I am trying to re-create.(But with a flip out canopy, or another way of accesing the tank without taking it off)
No. I thought he might p[ick on the clam, but he just loves mysis and has eaten all my worms and most of the aptasia. What a champ!
so no problems with him nipping at snails or zoas or anything? i may have to look into that.....if i went with a buttefly which one would you suggest as far as easiest to get along with and hardiest
Butterflies in general are like angels I believe, which means hit or miss on many species. He never nips at snails or hermits, but will eat any kind of tube worm he can. I saw him pick on a clam once or twice, but it seems that he isnt too inteested in it. I do keep him well fed, though with about 4+ feedings a day. I have heard taht on occasion they will pick at meaty corals, especially brain-types.

I think for reef compatibility the CBBs and the big-long nose butterflies are considered better than many others, but I am no butterfly expert, so definatly do your research. But in general I dont think they are very agressive, and despite the fact that mine is about the biggest fish in the tank, he is kinda shy. I'd say hardiness is moderate to poor on the various species. I would not recommend a Copper banded unless it is a really hardy specimen and is eating well.