Recycled 10 gal AIO (PIC HEAVY)


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So my girlfriend was at a thrift store and picked me up this little 10 gal tank

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I've been wanting to build an AIO for my room, so this was the perfect opportunity.

First I de-rimmed it and then started cleaning the heck out of it. Cleaning the darn thing is probably what took the longest, but it came out really clean.

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Then I cut out my false wall and baffles out of .22 acrylic and then painted the pieces.


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Assembling the pieces - Used gel superglue, and then silicone around the edges. Worked like a charm.

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Decided to add another baffle to mount the filter tray.

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Put the filtration in the tank and siliconed. Also re-silliconed the tank just to be safe.

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Painted back end flat black

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Final tank - (Waiting for Accela 266 to come in before drilling return)

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Price list -

Tank - $3

Acrylic - $20

Silicone and glue - $10

Hours spent working - Roughly 3-4

Feel free to question and comment :D

Looks good. Reminds me of my old 5g that I did up like that. How do you plan on doing the return?
Very Cool!

Kudos to your girlfriend who was smart enough to pick one without a bunch of scratches!

Perhaps 3 to 4 hours for you, obviously talented with arcylic.
It would be 3 to 4 days for me!
Hi Elithelion, cool project, all in ones always grab my attention. Kris may be right about the integrity of the tank without the trim but I guess we will see. I am concerned about your statement "NOTE ACRYLIC WAS CUT LITTLE OVER 1/8TH TO ACCOUNT FOR SWELLING". Does that mean you cut the acrylic larger than the width of the tank and is the acrylic touching the glass?

I am asking because this can lead to cracking the tank. Not trying to be a downer but I have built literally 100+ all in ones from 2.5g to 150g and learned this lesson the hard way. Because the glass may flex, without a cushion of silicone between the acrylic false wall and the glass...either the glass will crack or the surrounding glass to glass seams may give way (in this case the glass is so thin its likely the glass would crack). Just a heads up here.

Again, not trying to shoot down your efforts and it looks like you did a great job cutting the acrylic. I wish we had more threads detailing DIY all in ones. I really can't wait to see your final product with water and corals.
dball711;1045198 wrote: Hi Elithelion, cool project, all in ones always grab my attention. Kris may be right about the integrity of the tank without the trim but I guess we will see. I am concerned about your statement "NOTE ACRYLIC WAS CUT LITTLE OVER 1/8TH TO ACCOUNT FOR SWELLING". Does that mean you cut the acrylic larger than the width of the tank and is the acrylic touching the glass?

I am asking because this can lead to cracking the tank. Not trying to be a downer but I have built literally 100+ all in ones from 2.5g to 150g and learned this lesson the hard way. Because the glass may flex, without a cushion of silicone between the acrylic false wall and the glass...either the glass will crack or the surrounding glass to glass seams may give way (in this case the glass is so thin its likely the glass would crack). Just a heads up here.

Again, not trying to shoot down your efforts and it looks like you did a great job cutting the acrylic. I wish we had more threads detailing DIY all in ones. I really can't wait to see your final product with water and corals.

Sorry that was a typo. The acrylic is cut a little under 1/8 (Closer to a half inch) shorter than the width of the inside of the tank.
PFCDeitz;1045187 wrote: Put the trim back. Those 10 gals won't last long without it

I've re-siliconed all the seams and I feel quite confident in it. I suppose only time will tell. If it puts your mind at ease I'm planning on doing a 2 week water holding test.
Butch;1045121 wrote: Looks good. Reminds me of my old 5g that I did up like that. How do you plan on doing the return?

Not quite sure yet. I'll either see if the pump I ordered can be suctioned cupped to the back wall, and then inserted into the display or I'll plumb it with 1/2 inch tubing.

I have no experience with plumbing so this is the part of the build I'm most concerned about.

Here's the link to the pump i got
ElitheLion;1045218 wrote: Sorry that was a typo. The acrylic is cut a little under 1/8 (Closer to a half inch) shorter than the width of the inside of the tank.

That's great, please disregard my concern. Again, cant wait to see this running!
ElitheLion;1045223 wrote: Not quite sure yet. I'll either see if the pump I ordered can be suctioned cupped to the back wall, and then inserted into the display or I'll plumb it with 1/2 inch tubing.

I have no experience with plumbing so this is the part of the build I'm most concerned about.

Here's the link to the pump i got"> : JBJ Accela Water Pump for Aquarium, 266GPH : Pet Supplies</a>[/QUOTE]

I've used 1/2" CPVC tube and fittings on all my all-in-ones an its very easy (and cheap). I never attach a pump to anything in mine, usually use some clear vinyl tubing to attach the pump to the CPVC and just let it sit there on the bottom. In your design (I could be wrong cause I cant see of the partition between the 2nd & 3rd chamber is sealed at the bottom) the pump will need to sit on the bottom.
Ok, will the half inch tubing connect to the 1/2 pvc? Also do you happen to know of an overflow nozzle I could attach to the pvc?
ElitheLion;1045231 wrote: Ok, will the half inch tubing connect to the 1/2 pvc? Also do you happen to know of an overflow nozzle I could attach to the pvc?

The 1/2 vinyl tube should, I look for a size that gives a tight fit (dunk the vinyl tube in a cup of hot water for a minute of 2 and it will slide right on. I usually don't attach a nozzle, water will blast out toward the far pain of glass and be diffused back at the rock work. I have from time to time used a hydor rotating deflector, usually one of the supplied sleves will slide on the CPVC or PVC. I have some Lock Line nozzles that you might be able to retrofit, you can have them for free if you want. I could send a pic of how I attach my exhaust to to the false wall if that might help, LMK.
I think I'll just drill a 1/2 hole, and use an L to connect the piping to the tube. Its basically the same thing on my 28 gal
Some update pictures of the tank. I know, I know, heavy stocking. I like to live dangerously.

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grouper therapy;1052696 wrote: Looks great. Good job! May I ask where did you get the green mushrooms?

Another member. Brandon I believe. They're amazing, best colors ive seen and grow like crazy