red algae? What is this???


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Past couple of days I have noticed a part of LR covered in red's a small portion of rock about 1 X 2 inches. Here's the disappears when the lights are sign of it when i look at the tank in the morning when I first turn on the lights.....after a couple hrs...its back!! There are air bubbles on it.
Anyway it doesnt look like any red algae I have seen online. It looks soft and "furry" lol like long hair and it seems to be growing.
See pics.....No clue to what it can't be good. How do I kill it?

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Cyanobacteria, AKA red slime algae. You don't want it. Trust me.
Yep. Reduce phosphates & nitrates (i.e. feeding) and increase flow. Vaccume out what you can right before lights out (when it's thickest). You can knock it back by leaving the lights out for 3 days, but you'll eventually need to solve the core problem.

What are the water parameters?

There are chemical fixes, but again---you need to solve the core problem or it'll be back....
I am trying to avoid the chemical route (right now it's just on one rock but i know it will spread if I dont take care of it now).....i am increasing flow....i have been using rodi water for all top offs/changes also cutting down on the feedings.
I might just take that rock out and treat it. But it may have spread to other rocks and I just don't know it yet.
Flow, feedings and rodi water is key right will stick to changing that and see what happens.
NotiReef;256021 wrote: I am trying to avoid the chemical route (right now it's just on one rock but i know it will spread if I dont take care of it now).....i am increasing flow....i have been using rodi water for all top offs/changes also cutting down on the feedings.
I might just take that rock out and treat it. But it may have spread to other rocks and I just don't know it yet.
Flow, feedings and rodi water is key right will stick to changing that and see what happens.

You forgot water changes.
I went the chemical route and used Chemiclean. Problem solved in two days and has not returned. Highly recommemded.