Red Bugs and Interceptor


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I recently found red bugs on one of my corals in my 65 gal mixed reef tank. I found some interceptor, and that stuff is amazing. I used about 4.5 mg in the tank on Wednesday about 9:00 am. I came home after work, and they were gone! I waited until about 8:00 pm and then did a 15 gallon water change. My peppermint shrimp survived but is hiding (probably doesn't feel so well). I also see a stomatella snail still in the tank which surprises me. Below is a picture I took just before adding interceptor, and one at 5:15 pm. That stuff is incredible. I hope my dog understands.:blush:
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Your photos are really clear, red bugs are so small to the eye they are hard to see. Interceptor is a great product. Thanks for showing us it works and letting people see what they look like. :yes:
Used it successfully years ago, good stuff!

Did you notice many dead pods or hermits? Interceptor wiped those out when I used it. Don't forget to treat again to make sure they are ALL gone.

I mix up a small amount in a cup and dip all new acros with some. I never want to have them again!
I'll be doing a second treatment next week. I read where the little buggers have a life cycle of about 5 days and it takes 3 treatments. I'm playing it safe and planning on the third treatment - I'd rather do an extra treatment than have to do this again. Good to know it works. I am surprised though that the I still have a Stomatella Snail. I moved my other snails out since I heard Interceptor was deadly to them.
I think I did 3 spaced apart according to the RC thread I read at the time. They never came back for me...
I just did the second treatment tonight. So far everything looks okay, but my other tank which is new, doesn't look so hot. I am eager to get my critters out of the new tank and back in the treated tank. Ralph, I think I appreciate why you did two treatments instead of three Anyone else try two treatments instead of three, did it work? I'm debating whether to skip the third treatment.
I only did 2, never saw them again! That was years ago! 5-6 or more