Red Carpet Home - Next Few Days Will Be Worrysome


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Actually drove back from Alabama last week when I learned Nemo had one of these. Came back in today long enough to bring him home. He will be in a 25 gallon QT (plumbed into my main system/sump for water purity) for some time before taking his new home in a tank all to himself save a pair of clowns. For a carpet this size, a specimen only tank is paramount IMO. While his oral disc was a little open and he wasn't as sticky as he should have been, Aaron couldn't hold him any longer so I had to move him. He did not do well on the 30 minute drive home and when I opened the bucket he was almost turned inside out (not a good sign)." alt="" />

Acclimated him almost 2 hours to spot on parameters and added him to the QT. Note, the container in the photos has a piece of acrylic in the bottom so he wouldn't have stuck to the bucket and endured more trauma trying to get him loose. This method has worked very well for me in the past. In a few days I will lift the acrylic sheet out with him attatched (in theory) and place it on the bottom and cover the foot with sand. You can see ever after 2 hours of acclimation and a while in the tank he is still not well.

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Instead of sitting around and worrying, and at this point I was not hopeful of the outcome, I decided to kill the time having one of these:D

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Got home (he's been in the tank for a good 3 hours now) and not alot better. Decided to give him a little light so I turned the PC actinics on. Almost instant response and he started to inflate quickly. After an hour or so, gave him a PC daylight bulb too and he continued to get better. He'll be on PC for a couple of days just to take it easy on him (of course headed out of town again:doh:) and then he'll get the halide probably Friday and his first feeding if he's receptive by then. Anyways, looking much better now and the oral disc is now closed. Inflated much better but he's only about half size in the pics. Only had my camera phone at the time so the pictures are awful. Check out the size of the foot.....that container is around 8" diameter:eek: Should be a solid 14-16" carpet when happy. Going to leave him be for the time being and let nature take it's course. Hopefully on the road to recovery. Not a species for the faint of heart....but since he was already in the shop and I have a perfect setup just for him....I can likely give him as good a chance for a healthy existance as possible.

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Lights out now but he was inflated to a good 12"+ by then. He may be bigger than I think.
I saw him the other day Glad to see it is doing great! Nemo is awesome
Given how much he stressed in a 30 minute commute inside a 5 gallon bucket almost full.....I don't see how any of these survive shipping. It's certainly one critter I would never order online.

He did regurgitate the remains of a large silverside or one of the fish out of Aaron's coral tank so maybe it was just motion sickess or indigestion:)
Out of curiosity how much water was he in when you brought him home?

I read many places then when anemones are shipped especially carpets are shipped in little to no water.
I was just bringing him from Stone Mountain to Cumming but he had a good 3-4 gallons. Due to their ability to inflate....there may be some kind of reasoning behind shipping in little water. Given what my liquid bottles go through when flying, I can't imagine how an anemone might feel.
jonboyb;578734 wrote: I was just bringing him from Stone Mountain to Cumming but he had a good 3-4 gallons. Due to their ability to inflate....there may be some kind of reasoning behind shipping in little water. Given what my liquid bottles go through when flying, I can't imagine how an anemone might feel.

See I think that is the problem. The reason behind shipping little to no water is that they pollute the water increasing the stress which dirties the water even more.

Glad to see that your specimen doing well it is amazing color!
Nice to see someone put so much thought into transport and acclimation. Kudos. Looks great!

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justindville1987;578750 wrote: john is the carpet in the 93?

Absolutely this size in a SPS tank with lots of fish would be certain disaster. That cube only has a 30"x30" footprint and this guy would take at least a 1/4 of that himself. I have a small blue Haddoni in there just to keep my clowns happy. Before I left for my trip, the red was already much larger than a dinner plate with the lights off. This one will live in QT for a while and then go to a tank of his own.
Killer looking piece. Hope it makes it. Looking a lot better than those first pics.
Well....gave him a couple hours of halide this evening while I was packing and he has continued to inflate. A SOLID 14" now and fills half of my 25 bowfront QT:thumbs:. Once I lift him out of the bowl and let him stretch his legs who knows how big he'll get. I certainly see why all the nem experts swear for QT with a new specimen no matter what. Lots of touch and go lighting changes, flow changes, etc to get them happy while they "heal" from the stress of transport. Mouth still slightly open and while he's tacky I wouldn't even compare him to my other healthy carpet that's just plain superglue if you touch it. My picture doesn't do justice to the coloration either.

Won't see him again till Sunday now:sad: May try to feed him in the AM before loading up. Hope all goes well.

Really nice man. Awesome pickup.

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If you start to have some kind of issue with him while you're gone, I'm right up the road and can swing by to help out. I'm not an anenome guru by any means but might be able to keep him on the right track until you get back home.