red montiopra turrnd pink


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Would you guys think that the reason my red cap turned pink is because of stronger lighting. I have gone from two 96w pc's (actinic and 12k) and added two 175w 20K MH.

here is a pic

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Did you acclimate your corals to your new lights? Almost looks like its bleaching. How long you had the halides?
halides have been there for 7 months, only thing new are the 20Ks, i shortened the photo period by half when i put on the new bulbs and slowley brought it back up to the normal 10hrs i run the halides. It's been pink for a while now i just noticed it because the LFS here in town has the mother colony is a brick read, and it's under vho's about 12" down.
Thats over time with halides on? I don't think I've seen a monti cap that hasn't been able to take strong lighting and not color. Where is it in the tank, top , middle or bottom?
it's about 10" under, it's grown alot since it's been in the tank but in the past month or two it's slowed a bit. I also have a purple rim monti cap that has lightened up....I moved the purple rim about a 1.5 ft down to see if that helps.
looks like my cheap halides aren't cutting it. Should i buy more expensive halides? Would that help? Should i get rid of the halide setup and get t-5s? I really don't want to kill any corals, thanks for the help.
I'd recommend the Iwasaki 15K's They are going to set you back more than your normal MH bulb but they are totally worth it! Amazing PAR and a decent color. I'd recommend adding actinic supp tho if you like more blue. But for 175's these are going to give you the most PAR of any other 175W'er.
There is no direct link to the actual page where you buy them but you can get there my clicking on the appropriate links. They cost 72.95 Here. might price match to the other company and I believe hello lights also does free shipping on bulbs. but I think they are out of stock right now.

thanks, i just moved the monti another 4" up. It's now 4-5" below the water, i hope this helps untill i can afford to spend $160 in new bulbs. I have been meaning to frag the coral and a small piece that has encrusted a piece of rock broke off. It's about 1"x1"....perfect.

Thanks again for the help

on another note i have a digita sps that has gone from brown to deep purple. it's about 10" they require less light or something?
on a side note, it's amaizing how power full the sting of these corals are. My fingertips felt the power of the cap coral and the back side of my right index finger hurts from the green slimer.
just discovered my water temp is 84 deg! it's been that way for a while now, piece of crap coralife digital thermomiter. I bought a mg thermomiter and borrowed a buddies hellolights thermomiter and they both read 84.

What are the ods in that being my problem with not only my monti color but my green birds nest and my german blue acro?
Its possible. Some corals are more sensitive than others.

Whatever you're doing though... keep doing it. It looks really nice as a hot pink monti cap!
i kinda like the way it looks. Trinh has a really nice pinkish monticap in his tank and its not bleached. Maybe the colors morphed :shrugs:
well, it's hot pink that's for sure, that pic isn't with my 20k halides on, i'll have to take another but it's pink as pink can be. I like it too i just don't want to have it on the edge of death.

I'll post a pic in a week or two to show how it's doing closer to the top of the tank.

here it is a week later of being higher in the tank. My camra has a hard time with the light being so bright so the pics didn't turn out how i would have liked them to.

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I like it pink! I want a frag of the pink cap! But seriously, I like it. It's hard for me to tell form the pics, but did being higher in the tank alter the color much?
if anything it's pinker :) I'll play around with the camera setting and see if i can get a pic to due it more pink justice. It's really hot pink, it sticks out in my tank like a sore thumb