Red Planaria flatworms


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Ok if its not one thing its another. They are only in my fuge. I have a six line in the tank and do not see any there. Should I stop the flow from the fuge and just treat it or what do you recommend?

I've got 'em in my 'fuge too. They've been in there awhile, but I have yet to see any in my display. I doubt they're hurting anything, but flatworm exit should take care of them.
i have them too. they seem to come in waves. id rather not put some chemical in my little tank. but i plan to get a six line wrasse. hopefully that will help keep them down.
I have a few</em>...

I am going to use the natural methos of control. They won't really hurt anything unless you have a massive die-off. I will be introducing an army of wrasses. Hoeven's wrasse is a beast; one can control the population in an 800g tank! they're cheap and good looking too!

If they're in your fuge, they're probably in your display too.