Planarians are no fun at all, trust me you want to get them out! I have tried blue velvet slugs with limited success, however my display is large & high flow so they weren't as effective as they could have been. In a smaller tank it may work fine, you'll just have to put mesh over the overflow & any powerheads, they shred like wet toilet paper. The route I wish I had taken is to suck as many out as you can see every day (you'll want to do a water change for this, if you suck them into a sock they will die and release toxins), then when you can't find them very easily go ahead and do a round of FW Exit. I hate using chemicals of that nature, but sometimes it's the only way. Just whatever you do, don't let them proliferate! They will reach a population cap and finally crash like mine did, I'm flatworm free but I'm also 98% livestock free. Not a fun experience.
I wish you luck, flatworms are a big nightmare but I believe you can get them out since you only just noticed them. Good luck and God bless.