Red Sea Max 250 - LED's


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Hi, I have a RSM 250 and the light switch for the blue light has broken. I was using the timer and turning the blue light off for darkness and then switching it back on daily. Since the blue light broke, I was thinking that this could be the perfect opportunity to upgrade the lights to LEDs. In addition, I was hoping that with the new lights, I could automate the timing of the lights switching on and off.

There are so many options for LED's. Can anyone please send me some advice on a setup that I could use for this tank? I am a beginner in the hobby and have a Diamond Goby, Clownfish, mushrooms, snails, an urchin, and polyps. The tank is a 65 Gallon. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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This is my actual hood.

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This is not my tank but this is the kind of tank I have.

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This is my actual tank.
I did a DIY LED build inside a biocube and was very happy with the results. If I was you, I would check out for some of his DIY kits or you can piece your own together. Also, I'm pretty sure he sells a kit designed for the RSM that is plug and play.

If you decide to go the DIY route and need a little help let me know.
Thanks blind1993! This is exactly what I need. The plug and play kit also doesn't use the buttons so I don't have to worry about that. Ordering today :)
Has anyone set this up? I have two issues so far.

1. The plug from the LED module does not have as many prongs as needed for the Bluefish wireless controller. I am not sure which prongs to use.

2. Three of the black circuit boxes fell off during shipping and I don't know which order they need to placed in.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

I've replaced the t5's in a redsea 250 with radions. It's tight and for my money the lights are too close to the water but it works. You have to have 2. Turn down intensity as far as you can and creep it up if you try it. I fried a lot of corals at first.